20 thoughts on “WSJ: President Joe Biden shows signs of ‘slipping’ | NewsNation Now

  1. Thank God for cameras, we don’t have to rely on the fake News media the dishonest, Corrupt politicians. We can can all see he’s a vegetable 😂🤣🤣

  2. Not only should Biden be sent to memory care, but he is failing in terms of domestic and foreign policy. Gas and food prices are up. Under his watch, there was a bad Afghanistan withdrawal and 2 wars started. I think the regular American outside of party politics should not vote for him this November. It's the common sense thing.

  3. News Nation reporting this crap taints their reliability! Rupert Murdoch turned the WSJ, once a reliable conservative newspaper, into Fox News with stock prices. Fox News thru decades of gaslighting and dumbing down its audience succeed in creating the OkBoomer generation. Boomers so ignorant that the boomer generation is considered the worst generation in history. People watching News Nation need to reconsider!

  4. They call him sleepy Joe for a reason 😂😂😂😂.This numbers are wrong… Biden 42% approved? I doubt that. There is no comparison between Trump and Biden. One is a 100% awake the other is a 100% snoozing 💤.

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