31 thoughts on “WATCH: Trump Does Impression Of Biden Having Trouble Walking Off Stage During California Speech

  1. Why cant you try being nice you old scrooge.Doesnt get you anywhere because you just cant pull it off.My heart goes out to you.Please try to stop being nasty for your own sake.No mans beyond redemption you can change Mr Donald and learn a little human compassion.Dont be a wimp or a lizard.Be an example in your position.

  2. Trump confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi when talking about Jan. 6. He said Nikki Haley was in charge of security and turned down 10,000 soldiers on Jan. 6. But that’s what he has accused of Representative Pelosi of in the past which has been debunked. Hailey worked as an ambassador to the United Nations in Trump’s administration. She never was a member of Congress as he suggested.

    Trump confused Hillary with former President Obama. He said in one of his rallies, “with Obama, we won an election that everyone said couldn’t be won.” Right now he keeps referring Biden to Obama.

    Also, Trump said that “we would be in World War II very quickly if we’re going to be relying on” Biden. World War II already happened. This is why I don’t understand why people are worried about Biden when Trump is obviously showing signs of Alzheimers disease. The same disease his father had.

  3. He better negotiate things out to stop the ongoing geopolitical conflicts from escalating. If he wins, then he should live up to his promise of silencing the warmongers like when he said he's gonna talk things out with Russia and Ukraine.

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