WATCH: Antony Blinken’s full opening statement in Senate confirmation hearing

Antony Blinken, President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for secretary of state, testified in a Senate confirmation hearing Jan. 19.


Author: PBS NewsHour

38 thoughts on “WATCH: Antony Blinken’s full opening statement in Senate confirmation hearing

  1. The story of his grandfather and his late stepfather – seeing the tank – the looks on the faces of the members of the senate confirmation commitee is telling and palpable.

  2. With all that said, just look at US representative..the president Trump himself. Till today do not recognize the election results, don't respect Biden, the president elect, failed to give handover and even extend an AF aircraft to pick him up to Washington. And today, he still just kept on repeating his lies and propoganda and even said his movement has just began. What movement? Rioting, insurrection against his own government? What does it shows? Trump represent 70 millions Americans. So this is the true flip ugly side of Americans. It's not that it happened only today with Trump but has been going on for ages. The number of countries and people they've destroyed and their fake propoganda is nothing but for themselves. Luckily Trump opened up the rotten egg and everyone in the world can see for themselves… the truth about US.

  3. Thank you, Mr. Secretary Blinken, for speaking into the untold suffering of the people of Tigray. Soldiers from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and drones UAE unleashed on innocent children, women,and the elderly.  Stop the genocide! Demand free access of aid and journalist to the region and withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Tigray.

  4. If this man has so much experience with family who escaped as refugees then he should have empathy for the Central Americans who are escaping US imposed dictatorships and corruption and natural disasters in their countries. Tackle that problem and people won't walk across America to reach the USA.

  5. This guy is a Neville Chamberlain in the making. Blinken was in charge of the U.S.’s Iran policy under Obama. He sent pallets of cash to the Iranians, in an attempt to placate the biggest sponsor of Mideast terrorism. Oh boy.

  6. I think blinked would be OK with us teaching our children and grandchildren to learn Chinese phrases of servitude. How does that sound of the people that actually understood what I just said?

  7. So Mr.Blinken you all messed up and no amount of BS can change that it? You have responsibility to tell your President things will work or they want period! If you don't you are in derelict of your duties. If Trumps plan was to jump off of a cliff would you? of course not.But he wouldn't have let this get out of control also. You did own it.

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