Wang Yi Tells Antony Blinken “Don’t Mess with China’s Internal Affairs” | Firstpost America

Wang Yi Tells Antony Blinken “Don’t Mess with China’s Internal Affairs” | Firstpost America Chinese Foreign Minister met US …


Author: Firstpost

20 thoughts on “Wang Yi Tells Antony Blinken “Don’t Mess with China’s Internal Affairs” | Firstpost America

  1. We, Europe, also want development and we are to start growing again among our countries and we expect respect, a lot of respect by the Chinese… be warned of that Asian people. We will have conditions for you too to follow or things will change

  2. Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak have something in common Both Zionist united in destroying the NHS trade unions and the Genocide of Palestine people 16.000
    children killed over 78.000 slaughtered by Israel.Our government with the help of the Zionism propaganda are involved in the running of the BBC ,SKY and G B News. All speaking with the same Voices
    Since Thatcher and Blair the country as been going down hill Both united in Privatising the NHS and Lies after Lies Ripping of the Taxpayer.
    Vote for Gorge Galloway. Worker

  3. U.S. goods and services trade with China totaled an estimated $758.4 billion in 2022. The U.S. debt to China is approximately $1.059 trillion. There is about 300,000 Chinese students in U.S. universities. China owns 384,000 acres of American agricultural land. The Chinese seem willing to lose much to take one relatively small island that will be totally destroyed in the process.

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