Ukraine Became Transit Point for Terrorists – German Intel Chief

In April, the German Prosecutor General’s Office filed charges of creating a terrorist community against five citizens of Tajikistan, one citizen of Turkmenistan and one citizen of Kyrgyzstan. The defendants entered Germany through Ukraine in 2022.
The terrorist group Islamic State – Khorasan province (ISKP)* uses Ukraine as transit point for entering Western nations.
That is according to Thomas Haldenwang, the head of German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution.
“The ISKP managed to smuggle their supporters to Western Europe, presumably through a wave of refugees from Ukraine,” Haldenwang told a press conference.
The German official said ISKP was the most dangerous among similar terrorist organizations. He recalled recent terror attacks in Western Europe, including the massacre in Bataclan Concert Hall in Paris.
“Large-scale preparatory activities are being carried out, a lot of people could be involved, weapons are being purchased, and at some of these stages the security authorities manage to put their foot in the door,” Haldevang said.
Author: Admin

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