Schlagwort: Zombieland

Italy’s Giorgia Meloni & ‘Financial Speculators’ | The Mehdi Hasan Show

As Giorgia Meloni prepares to become Italy’s likely next prime minister, a few old videos of hers have been getting…

Who is Giorgia Meloni?

She’s set to become Italy’s first woman prime minister leading the most far-right government since Benito Mussolini … And some…

Secretary of State Antony Blinken: The 2022 60 Minutes Interview

Secretary of State Blinken tells Scott Pelley about the challenges facing the U.S. around the world. #60Minutes #News #Blinken ……

Far-Right Nationalist Giorgia Meloni Elected As Italy’s First Female Prime Minister

Italy elected their first-ever female prime minister and the country’s first far-right candidate to hold that office since World War…

Five things to know about Giorgia Meloni

Italy’s new PM entered politics at age 15, was Italy’s youngest-ever minister at age 31, and heads a party that…

Italy votes for Giorgia Meloni, first far-right government since WWII | USA TODAY

Italy is expected to elect its first female prime minister, the far-right Giorgia Meloni after exit polls show her leading…

NEUE MINISTERPRÄSIDENTIN IN ITALIEN: Doch wer ist Giorgia Meloni eigentlich?

Nach dem Triumph der radikalen Rechten bei der Wahl in Italien macht sich in Europa Sorge über den künftigen Kurs…

Who is Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s far-right leader ? • FRANCE 24 English

Italy took a sharp turn to the right on Monday, September 26 after Giorgia Meloni’s Eurosceptic far-right party swept to…

Franz Josef Strauß – HALTEN SIE DOCH DEN MUND – Anton Hofreiter wird BELEIDIGT! SATIRE – WTF / OMG

source Ähnliche Beiträge: Anton Hofreiter fetzt sich mit Alice Schwarzer wegen Ukraine-Krieg | Die richtigen Fragen Rede von Anton Hofreiter…

Far-right wins in Italy: What to expect from Giorgia Meloni | DW News

Early results from Italy’s election show a clear victory for an alliance of right-wing parties, paving the way for Giorgia…

Italy: Right-wing leader Giorgia Meloni claims victory in country’s election

Italy has moved to the right after Brothers of Italy’s leader Giorgia Meloni claimed victory in her country’s election. It…

Far-right candidate Giorgia Meloni looks set to win Italy’s election | ABC New

Italy’s far-right candidate Giorgia Meloni appears set to be the next prime minister. Subscribe: Read more … source Ähnliche Beiträge:…

Qui est Giorgia Meloni, figure de l’extrême droite italienne ?

Les élections générales ont lieu dimanche 25 septembre en Italie. Le parti d’extrême droite Fratelli d’Italia, mené par Giorgia ……

Joe Biden appears confused as he exits UN event

Joe Biden appeared to get lost while walking off stage following his remarks at the Global Fund Conference in New…

¿Quién es Giorgia Meloni, la ultraderechista que puede gobernar Italia?

TAMARA VÁZQUEZ | Meloni es la clara favorita para ganar las elecciones de este próximo domingo. Con mucha probabilidad ……

President Biden appears to get ‘lost’ while leaving the stage at UN Assembly

MOMENT President Joe Biden appears to get ‘lost’ while leaving the stage at UN Assembly. The footage released from the…

BASECAMP Nachgefragt!: Auf ein Wort mit Dr. Norbert Röttgen

In unserer September Ausgabe von „Nachgefragt!“ am 23.09.2022 von 8:30 – 9:00 Uhr sprechen wir mit Dr. Norbert Röttgen, MdB…

Sahra Wagenknecht und ihre Rede im Bundestag: Die Linke vor der Zerreißprobe

In der Partei Die Linke brodelt es nach einer provokanten Rede von Sahra Wagenknecht im Bundestag. Zwei prominente Mitglieder sind…

😕😕US President Joe Biden Gets ‘Lost On Stage’ After Speech #shorts #viral

US President Joe Biden appeared confused on stage during an event on Wednesday. #usa #joebiden #joebidenspeech Subscribe to India Today…