Schlagwort: World

Zelensky blames “the world” as Ukrainian army loses battle after battle

When considering Zelensky’s rather laughable accusation that it’s “the world’s fault” for not helping, he should specify what exactly “the…

Nawaz urges world to stop Israel’s ‘genocide’ in Gaza

ISLAMABAD : Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Tuesday termed Israeli atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza as ‘genocide,’ urging the world…

BRICS+: The Path to a New World Order

The original international collaboration between the large and growing economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China has evolved and expanded…

Israel to face Gaza genocide charges at World Court 

The International Court of Justice is set to hold hearings on a case brought by South Africa in December accusing…

World rejects Srebrenica resolution, UN once again exposed as US/NATO exponent

The vote not only showed that around 70% of the world’s population supports Serbia, but it can even be argued…

The BRICS – Is Another World Possible?

The BRICS is the name given to the group of five countries that began to form this group and to…

France loses its power on the world stage

Current developments are reducing the reputation of a great nation Foreign policy failures and domestic problems are changing France’s status…

BRICS, the West and the Rest – a Fractured World

BRICS are attempting to de-dollarize and replace SWIFT to circumvent the threat of sanctions Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS- Emerging counterweight…

BRICS- Emerging counterweight in a multipolar world- - DW News

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS Summit 2023 : India Will Support For Expanding BRICS, Says PM Modi | V6…

Ukraine captures Russian anti-drone 'barn' tank

Ähnliche Beiträge: Wladimir Putin News: Putin warnt Südkorea vor Waffenlieferungen an die Ukraine Gleitbomben und Drohnenangriffe: Hohe Verluste für Putin…

Unlocking the Secret World of SBLC Issuers. How They Turn Letters into Profits

In der heutigen schnelllebigen Finanzwelt steht die Frage im Mittelpunkt, wie Unternehmen effektiv Kapital generieren und die Herkunft ihrer Gelder…

Secretary Blinken reacts to 7 aid workers killed in Gaza

“Aid workers are heroes and must be protected,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said, adding there needs to be an…

Joe Biden hits out at poor memory claims | BBC News

Concerns about US President Joe Biden’s age have been raised, after a Special Counsel report described him as an “elderly…

‘Absolutely damning’: Special Counsel report says Biden’s memory is an issue

US President Joe Biden has been described in a Special Counsel report as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor…

Joe Biden’s bizarre gaffes expose disturbing cognitive decline

The stress of Hunter Biden’s legal woes seems to be taking a toll on his elderly father Joe Biden. Whilst…

Röttgen elvállalná a CDU elnökségét

Meglepetésre a külügyi bizottság elnöke bejelentkezett a kereszténydemokrata unió elnöki pozíciójára.… BŐVEBBEN : Iratkozzon fel: euronews élő: source Ähnliche Beiträge:…