Schlagwort: West

West responsible for diplomatic failure in 2022 – Ukrainian lawmaker

According to the politician who led the Ukrainian delegation during the peace talks in Turkey, the West failed to give…

West was “lukewarm” to Russia-Ukraine negotiations in 2022 – Foreign Affairs

The West will regret hijacking peace efforts between Moscow and Kiev. Ähnliche Beiträge: “Trump’s first casualty will be Ukraine”:…

Moral double standards in the West when looking at Ukraine and Israel

The conflict in Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East are currently the two biggest geopolitical hotspots in the…

Political West appears to be backing off after Russia's nuclear warning

That’s exactly what anyone with a single half-functioning brain cell would expect when trying to intimidate a country that can…

Is the West preparing a second front against Russia in the Caucasus?

It is clear that the West is in conflict with Russia. This conflict is waged militarily on Ukrainian soil, but…

Collective West using ICC as hybrid warfare tool against Russian citizens

The objective is to make it appear to the world that the Russian Federation is led by criminal, wanted people,…

Could the West prepare false flag operation to militarize its woke agenda?

Recent “woke” moves by NATO leave many questions unanswered. Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS 2023: First in-person BRICS summit since pandemic…

BRICS, the West and the Rest – a Fractured World

BRICS are attempting to de-dollarize and replace SWIFT to circumvent the threat of sanctions Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS- Emerging counterweight…