Schlagwort: West

BRICS unite against irresponsible policies of West

BRICS unite against irresponsible policies of West View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS Summit – Expected announcements and initiatives Falling…

Inside Story – Can BRICS counter the West?

Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa launch a $100bn development bank. Folly Bah Thibault speaks to Aly-Khan…

LIVE | Russia's Big Ultimatum To 'Arms Supplier' West; Moscow Rejects Zelensky's Peace 'Conditions'

Source link Ähnliche Beiträge: Zelensky's "peace summit" ends without any effective result, while Russia offers concrete peace proposal Political West…

Wladimir Putin: Kanye West in Moskau gelandet: US-Rapper will sich angeblich mit Putin treffen

Kanye West ist Berichten zufolge in Moskau gelandet. Dort, so heißt es, wolle er sich angeblich mit Russlands Präsident Wladimir…

Turkey seeks BRICS membership, Russia backs bid | The West Asia Post Ähnliche Beiträge: Thailand Cabinet Approves Brics Membership Bid Vietnam Working on BRICS Membership Bid Iranian government seeks BRICS membership…

BRICS Pauses Expansion Even As More Nations Look To Move Away From West, Russia Rallying Point? Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS + : L’expansion des BRICS en 2024, 5 pays rejoignent les rangs PM Modi delivers speech…

Armenia pivoting to West and distancing from Eurasia, enhancing military ties with France

“Decoupling” from Russia (and Eurasia) would be detrimental to Armenia’s own interests – but that is precisely what the West…

Political West blocks Russia's UN discussion about NATO aggression on Serbia

The political West criticized Russia’s initiative, insisting “it was unnecessary”. At the very beginning of the session, the Permanent Representative…

Ukrainian conflict profitable for corrupts both in the West and Ukraine

Military assistance for Ukraine has become an excuse for corruption schemes that generate billions of dollars in profits for corrupts…

West ludicrously ‘shocked’ by Russia’s close ties with North Korea

Report a spelling error If you think there is a mistake in the text, you can send it to the…

BRICS Enlargement – a "Non-Event" or a Stage Victory Against the West?

The enlargement of the BRICS group at the beginning of the year to include five new member states raises questions…

BRICS: China Takes Control of Gold Prices from the West

BRICS member China is believed to hold significantly more gold reserves than the officially announced 2,250 tonnes Ähnliche Beiträge:…

Indian Pharma Companies Fill Void in Russia as West Retreats

Indian pharmaceutical firms expand presence in Russia as Western competitors exit amid sanctions, boosting India’s role in supplying medicines…

West responsible for diplomatic failure in 2022 – Ukrainian lawmaker

According to the politician who led the Ukrainian delegation during the peace talks in Turkey, the West failed to give…

West was “lukewarm” to Russia-Ukraine negotiations in 2022 – Foreign Affairs

The West will regret hijacking peace efforts between Moscow and Kiev. Ähnliche Beiträge: “Trump’s first casualty will be Ukraine”:…

Moral double standards in the West when looking at Ukraine and Israel

The conflict in Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East are currently the two biggest geopolitical hotspots in the…

Political West appears to be backing off after Russia's nuclear warning

That’s exactly what anyone with a single half-functioning brain cell would expect when trying to intimidate a country that can…

Is the West preparing a second front against Russia in the Caucasus?

It is clear that the West is in conflict with Russia. This conflict is waged militarily on Ukrainian soil, but…