Schlagwort: Ukraine

Die Transatlantische Allianz & ihr Ukraine Russland Krieg

Ging es beim Ukrainischen Frühling um eine Demokratisierung? Die Vereinigten Staaten und der CIA haben seit 1946 nie die Bedeutung…


In Russland hat man in den ersten Monaten gefragt, warum habt ihr die Brücken nicht beschädigt? Warum haben Sie das…

Another US pilot confirms F-16s in Ukraine are toast

John Baum, a retired US Air Force (USAF) Lieutenant Colonel who flew over 2,300 hours as an F-16 pilot, stated…

NATO soldiers already in Ukraine

NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has admitted that “several NATO allies have men and women in uniform at the embassies”…

Die Wahrheit der Ukraine Krise! Volksrevolution oder Staatsstreich?

Die Wahrheit der Ukraine Krise! Volksrevolution oder Staatsstreich? Monroe-Doktrin, NATO, EU. Ukraine über alles Die Ereignisse, die sich 2013-14 in…


Bucha war ein Wendepunkt, der die Verhandlungen zwischen Russland und der Ukraine tatsächlich zum Erliegen brachte. Was ist da passiert?…

Moral double standards in the West when looking at Ukraine and Israel

The conflict in Ukraine and the situation in the Middle East are currently the two biggest geopolitical hotspots in the…


That's not the whole story. Money from Pinchuk offshore companies was transferred to the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Then the "laundered…

Puppenspieler in der Ukraine

Puppenspieler in der Ukraine und Taiwan Wer auf die Landkarte blickt, sieht, dass die USA Russland und China einkreisen. Sie…


L'Europe est un vassal tributaire des USA Le clown pompé Zelenskyj exige une frappe nucléaire préventive contre la Russie. On…

Conflict in Ukraine perpetuated by private and corrupt interests linking Zelensky and the Bidens

When it comes to the perpetuation of conflicts, personal and electoral factors should all be considered by analysts. It is…

German general warns of “fatal error” NATO will make if proxy war in Ukraine continues

The US and Ukraine are working on a 10-year plan to sustain pressure on Russia. Ähnliche Beiträge: “Ukraine is…

Macron deployed French Foreign Legion to Ukraine, claims former US official

NATO sets two red lines to justify intervention in Ukraine war. Ähnliche Beiträge: Salvini slams Macron: “Put on a…

Zelensky hypocritically uses religious rhetoric while the Orthodox Church is persecuted in Ukraine

Head of Kiev regime says Ukrainians are “God’s chosen people”, and Russian Church responds by saying that Zelensky cannot mobilize…

Weapons supply for Ukraine becoming an issue in EU election campaign

The representatives of the conservative political forces of the EU, controlled by the United States, are urging Brussels to launch…

Marine Le Pen: Macron wants to deploy soldiers to Ukraine to feed his “ego”

French Foreign Legion may have suffered its first casualties in clashes near Chasov Yar. Ähnliche Beiträge: Up to half…

RT Russia – Funny Ukraine News Story (w/captions)

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Inside RT: News Network or Putin Propaganda? RT news Anchor Sophie Shevardnadze funny moment with…

Ukraine introduces desperate recruitment strategy: “Choose Your Own Adventure”

“Everyone will Fight – choose your own unit now,” reads Ukrainian neo-Nazi propaganda. Ähnliche Beiträge: Ukraine desperate to receive…

Scholz admits many Germans don’t support aid for Ukraine and sanctions on Russia

The popularity of Germany’s ruling coalition is falling. Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: JUST IN: 🇷🇺 🇮🇷 Russia says it's prepared…