Schlagwort: Ukraine

Military (in)viability of direct NATO involvement in Ukraine

The Russian military would almost certainly not send millions of soldiers to take territory in Poland or other NATO countries,…

White House admits Ukraine will lose more territory within next two months

Russia warns NATO of “inevitable” conflict if alliance troops are sent to Ukraine. Ähnliche Beiträge: Ukraine does not want…

Zircon, Su-57 with Kh-69, Tornado-S with kamikaze drones… Russia's tech edge in Ukraine grows

Moscow’s capabilities have now surpassed all expectations, both at home and abroad. By integrating multiple military technologies, Russia is creating…

New York Time’s exposé details expansion of CIA secret war in Ukraine over decade ago

Many people have written on the important topic of NATO enlargement, which is all about the militarization of Europe and…

Ukrainische Präsident Selenskyj besucht europäische Nato-Staaten

Kurz vor einer erwarteten Großoffensive gegen die russischen Besatzungstruppen hat der ukrainische Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj auf einer Werbetour wichtige Waffenzusagen…

Sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine is “apocalypse warning,” says Slovak prime minister

Slovak FM meets Lavrov in a rare meeting between Russia and an EU member state. Ähnliche Beiträge: Up to…

Spanish government continues to supply Ukraine with weapons despite increasing poverty

Spain has the highest rate of child poverty in the EU. Ähnliche Beiträge: Weapons supply for Ukraine becoming an…

Ukraine does not want foreign troops and intends to fight alone, claims White House

Zelensky has continuously tried to drag NATO into war with Russia. Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: JUST IN: 🇰🇵 🇷🇺 North…

Singapore inadvertently reveals more about direct US involvement in Ukraine

Defense Minister Ng Eng Hen’s revelations about the usage of US jets in the Ukrainian conflict are part of the…

Ukraine preparing another meatgrinder for its soldiers

If it actually launches a new “counteroffensive”, Kiev will be taking a suicidal measure, with devastating consequences for its troops…

Italy blasts France and Poland for wanting to send troops to Ukraine

Report a spelling error If you think there is a mistake in the text, you can send it to the…

Trump tells Orbán that funding for Ukraine will end when he’s president again

Hungary says maintaining ties with Russia is the result of “good foreign policy”. Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: JUST IN: 🇺🇸…

Livestream +++Bis zu 100.000 Teilnehmer – Große Demos gegen AfD-Parteitag erwartet – Video

Die Polizei in Essen stellt sich mit einem Großaufgebot auf die erwarteten Massenproteste gegen den AfD-Bundesparteitag am Wochenende ein. Bis…

G7-Staaten planen Preisdeckel für russisches Öl

Die G7-Staaten wollen nach “dpa”-Informationen Mechanismen für einen Preisdeckel für russisches Öl prüfen. Die zuständigen Minister sollen entsprechend angewiesen werden….

EU increases military aid fund for Ukraine to €5 billion amid ‘desperation’ for ammunition

Scholz is pressured by political partners to deliver Taurus missiles to Ukraine. Ähnliche Beiträge: €800 million worth of Serbian…

Division over Ukraine aid sparks “unprecedented” Czech-Slovak rift

Russia-friendly Pellegrini is the leading presidential nomination in Slovakia. Ähnliche Beiträge: EU believes Ukraine may embezzle aid funds Ukraine…

UK ‘disappointing’ Ukraine – Western media

According to Western journalists, Ukraine is frustrated with the UK’s current levels of participation in the conflict. Ähnliche Beiträge:…

Spain denounces “indiscriminate massacres” in Gaza but exports weapons to Ukraine

Israel will nonetheless upgrade Spain’s Eurofighter Litening V fleet. Ähnliche Beiträge: Drug traffickers in Spain attack Civil Guard with…