Schlagwort: Terror

Gravitas: US Military raises threat alert across bases in Europe amid terror attack concerns

Source link Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: JUST IN: 🇺🇸 US military bases in Europe on high alert amid terrorist threat, CNN…

Pakistan Shamed Over Terror At Brics Summit

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS summit Under Pak Terror Threat India-China Tension Overshadows BRICS Summit PM Modi Targets Pak…

BRICS summit Under Pak Terror Threat

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: PM Modi Targets Pak At BRICS BRICS Summit: India overpowers China, forces to speak against…

Kiev regime promotes terror in Belgorod – field report

On the eve of the Russian elections, Ukrainian forces attacked the Russian border region, killing and injuring many civilians.…

Ukraine invites further scrutiny of its own connections to terror and extremism

One can only hope the narrative war amid the West’s proxy attrition war against Russia in Ukraine does not get…

Why no one cares about Nord Stream’s sabotage, or terror attack

The Nord Stream area was quite busy, military-wise in September when the blasts took place. And just 3 days before…

Kiev regime continues to promote nuclear terror

Attacks against the ZNPP have become commonplace, since, in the face of military defeat, Ukraine resorts to terrorism. Ähnliche…

BRICS Condemns Pak Terror Groups

While the BRICS declaration against terror groups, including those in Pakistan, is historical, GoNews looks at its relevance on the…

UK-supplied weapons behind Ukrainian terror in Donbass

The neo-Nazi regime is using Western aid to attack civilian areas, making sure its terrorist nature. Ähnliche Beiträge: Kiev…

Kabinett stimmt für Gesetzentwurf: Wer Terror “liked”, soll ausgewiesen werden

Stand: 26.06.2024 13:21 Uhr Ein Like im Netz könnte genügen: Das Kabinett hat einem Entwurf von Innenministerin Faeser zugestimmt, nach…

BRICS Summit: India overpowers China, forces to speak against Pak terror | Oneindia News

India achieved diplomatic victory over Pakistan and China when the BRICS nations condemned terror by naming several Pakistan-sponsored terror networks…

China recognises Pak terror at BRICS, Pak looks for new allies | Oneindia News

Pakistan is finding itself increasingly isolated. First Donald Trump and now China. Both countries have identified and recognised that Pakistan…

Témoignage d’une enfant de Gaza : Génocide et exécution….

Témoignage d’une enfant de Gaza : Génocide et exécution… Merci pour un sous-titrage en français et en anglais View at DailyMotion…

Russia’s enemies keep trying to spread terror among civilians

Terrorist groups and foreign intelligence agencies want to resume the terror attacks that affected Russia during the 1990s and 2000s….

NATO and Neo-Nazi junta now threatening Russia with a terror campaign if it wins

The Daily Express is now reporting that the Kiev regime could “launch terror campaign, bombing schools if Russia wins the…

Gefechte auf Straßen in Dagestan: Angreifer überziehen russische Teilrepublik mit Terror

In der muslimisch geprägten russischen Teilrepublik Dagestan brennen Synagogen und Kirchen, auf den Straßen kommt es zu heftigen Gefechten. Angreifer…

ANGRIFF AUF ISRAEL: Deutschlands Umgang mit Iran “Eine Menge Klärungsbedarf!” Strack-Zimmermann

ANGRIFF AUF ISRAEL: Deutschlands Umgang mit Iran “Eine Menge Klärungsbedarf!” Strack-Zimmermann Die Vorsitzende des Bundestags-Verteidigungsausschusses, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, appelliert an Bundeskanzler…