Schlagwort: Tagesgespräch

Boykott-Staaten “dialogbereit” – Katar soll aber einlenken

In der Krise am Golf hat die Koalition aus vier arabischen Staaten Katar wieder zum Einlenken aufgefordert. Erst wenn Katar…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Massacres génocide gaza palestine antisionisme, Vive Gaza Joe Rogan says Israel’s actions in Gaza amount…

Zajlanak a BRICS-csúcs előkészületei

Vlagyimir Putyin nélkül készülnek a találkozóra, miközben a BRICS-országokkal való kapcsolatok erősítése pont az orosz elnök számára a legfontosabb jelenleg….

BRICS evening gala: Nanyin Capriccio

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS Business Forum: Largest-ever gathering in BRICS history BRICS explained BRICS: Thought leaders BRICS Summit…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Massacres génocide gaza palestine antisionisme, Vive Gaza Exclusif- Les Japonais soutiennent Gaza génocide Palestine Palestine:…

What Are The BRICS Countries

What Are The BRICS Countries View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS Summit: Nations deplore N. Korea’s hydrogen bomb testing |…

Brics aprueba documento de expansión

La ministra de relaciones de Sudáfrica informó que los líderes del Brics aprobaron un documento que explica las pautas, los…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Ouïghours : un génocide ? / Manifestations pro Gaza / Frères musulmans / Vote RN…

BRICS Admits Six New Members

BRICS, the group of five emerging economies, is admitting six more members. The group formed 13 years ago to strengthen…

Sidang Brics bincang hubungan bilateral

Sidang Brics bincang hubungan bilateral View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Sidang Brics umum pengwujudan dana bantuan Brics Bashar Assad minta…


Author: Cathrine THIS IS TERRIBLE AND A WIP This animation was created using Animaker Club Mobile App View at DailyMotion…

Russia’s BRICS allies reject sanctions

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: ¡Por una economía multipolar! Inicia en Rusia el Foro BRICS 2024 Seis nuevos miembros se…

BRICS to change world economy

BRICS to change world economy View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Inside Story – Building BRICS DEA Secretary On BRICS Bank…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Génocide de Gaza par Alima Boumediene-Thiery Gaza – UE europe (Les complices d’un génocide) –…

Cúpula do BRICS em Brasília

O Brasil recebe o encontro anual do BRICS com líderes da Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul. A cúpula…

DEA Secretary On BRICS Bank

Catch Shaktikanta Das – DEA Secretary in an exclusive conversation with ET NOW, as he talks about BRICS Bank can…


Author: tes the human monster the part of undertale where sans uses is glowing eye powers This animation was created…

Fortaleza recebe cúpula do Brics

A cúpula do Brics começa nesta terça-feira em Fortaleza com uma aparente falta de alinhamento das cinco economias emergentes com…

Vizag to host BRICS summit

Vizag to host BRICS summit View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS explained BRICS Summit & S. Africa in BRICS BRICS:…

Hotep arrêter d’être des lâches génocide génocide génocide

Darfour la haine raciale contre les civils noirs Massacre de civils africains au soudan L’islam et l’esclavage des…