Schlagwort: Strategy

Macron’s risky strategy failed: France’s political future turning right

France faces its first far-right government since 1945. Ähnliche Beiträge: Macron’s political bet could backfire with France one step…

How China's naval strategy exposes decades of America's Sinophobic lies

The overall strategic shift in China’s geopolitical planning is its new naval doctrine. Namely, it has changed so much that…

Ukraine introduces desperate recruitment strategy: “Choose Your Own Adventure”

“Everyone will Fight – choose your own unit now,” reads Ukrainian neo-Nazi propaganda. Ähnliche Beiträge: Ukraine desperate to receive…

Ukraine using outdated Vietnam-era air war strategy against Russians

Kiev is using Vietnam-era military tactics on the battlefield. Ähnliche Beiträge: Ukraine introduces desperate recruitment strategy: “Choose Your Own…