Schlagwort: Russian

@BRICSinfo: Russian President Putin says Islam should not to be associated with terrorism.

Russian President Putin says Islam should not to be associated with terrorism. — BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) July 1, 2024…

Russia-Ukraine war LIVE: Russian glide bombs hammer Ukrainian front line | Zelensky asks for help Ähnliche Beiträge: High-ranking Ukrainian officers admit that front line at great risk of collapse Zelensky blames “the world” as…

@BRICSinfo: Russian Foreign Minister says Russia, China, and India will resume meetings.

Russian Foreign Minister says Russia, China, and India will resume meetings. — BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) June 30, 2024…

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov – Firstpost

The leaders of the BRICS agreed to admit Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates as…

Will Russian Aerospace Forces really “go extinct at this ratio of losses”?

According to Forbes, Washington DC was “the biggest donor of ‘Patriot’ missiles, and Russia-aligned Republicans in the US Congress blocked…

Yuan Transactions Hit One-third of Total Russian Export Payments

BRICS nations’ share in Russia’s trade balance has also doubled to almost 40% in the past two years Ähnliche…

UK brags about direct involvement in attacking Russian Navy ships

The UK’s General Staff, headed by Admiral Tony Radakin, directly took part in planning and executing attacks on the Russian…

Are Europeans throwing each other under the bus to avoid Russian retaliation?

London was particularly infuriated by Scholz’s comments about the help they’ve been providing to the Neo-Nazi junta, which might suggest…

Egypt Wants to Host Russian Wheat Hub

Moscow is reviewing the proposed project, Cairo’s Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade has said Ähnliche Beiträge: Egypt to…

Latvia threatening Russian citizens for participating in voting

The Baltic state is willing to deport Russian citizens who participate in presidential elections. Ähnliche Beiträge: Collective West using…

BRICS Under Russian Chairship

Russia took charge of BRICS in January 2024 at a point of inflection in geopolitics and heightened tension both in…

Baltic Sea a NATO lake? Russian electronic warfare would like a word

Two USAF MQ-9 “Reaper” drones experienced “unexplained technical difficulties”, resulting in a crash for one, while there’s still no information…

Russian forces target intelligence facilities in Kiev

Retaliating for provocations on the borders and terrorist attacks, Moscow is escalating its military measures to destroy Ukrainian decision-making centers….

BRICS Under Russian Chairship – Analysis

On 1 January 2024, the chairship of BRICS shifted from South Africa to Russia, with a full agenda in tow….

State Duma deputies accuse US, Ukraine of masterminding terrorist attacks on Russian territory

Nikolai Kharitonov, a Communist Party deputy in the Russian Federal Assembly’s State Duma and runner-up in the country’s recent presidential…

Ukraine attacks Russia’s Belgorod region using fake ‘Russian dissidents’

According to information provided by local military, the “Russian expatriates” organizations are fake groups created to disguise the actions of…