Schlagwort: Russia039s

LIVE | Russia's Big Ultimatum To 'Arms Supplier' West; Moscow Rejects Zelensky's Peace 'Conditions'

Source link Ähnliche Beiträge: Zelensky's "peace summit" ends without any effective result, while Russia offers concrete peace proposal Political West…

Putin Has The Last Laugh: U.S.-made ATACMS' Guidance System Falls In Russia's Hands Amid Ukraine War

Source link Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: 🇨🇳 Chinese President Xi Jinping declares intention to end Russia's war with Ukraine. Amid Ukraine…

🔴 BRICS NEXT WIN: Russia's Initiative to Create Commodities Exchange Threatens Western Influence Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: BRICS announces plans to create a grain exchange. "We are grateful to all BRICS member countries…

Gravitas | Russia's Navy's wargames in "NATO Lake" | Battleground Baltic Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: CONFIRMED: 🇷🇺 Terrorist Attacks in Russia's Dagestan region. Armed attacks have been carried out on two…

Russia's 'Revenge Roar Kills 2,000' Ukrainian Soldiers; Putin's Big Pledge After Deadly Attacks Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: CONFIRMED: 🇷🇺 Terrorist Attacks in Russia's Dagestan region. Armed attacks have been carried out on two…

Zircon, Su-57 with Kh-69, Tornado-S with kamikaze drones… Russia's tech edge in Ukraine grows

Moscow’s capabilities have now surpassed all expectations, both at home and abroad. By integrating multiple military technologies, Russia is creating…

@BRICSinfo: 🇨🇳 Chinese President Xi Jinping declares intention to end Russia's war with Ukraine.

🇨🇳 Chinese President Xi Jinping declares intention to end Russia’s war with Ukraine. — BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) June 28,…

Political West blocks Russia's UN discussion about NATO aggression on Serbia

The political West criticized Russia’s initiative, insisting “it was unnecessary”. At the very beginning of the session, the Permanent Representative…

Why are NATO and Neo-Nazi junta terrified of Russia's 'Zircon' hypersonic missile?

Imagine being an officer of the SBU, GUR (Neo-Nazi junta’s military intelligence) or some of the NATO occupation forces. You’re…

MiG-41 – Russia's near-space interceptor

The stellar performance of the MiG-31 in Ukraine seems to have pushed the development of its successor, as the Russian…

What Russia's deployment of long-range missiles means for Scandinavia?

When taking only the 9M723 hypersonic missiles into account, the immediate danger for any larger troop concentrations in Finland lies…

Russia's Sberbank Partners with China's Huawei on Cloud Services

Sberbank and Chinese technology giant Huawei said they had formed a strategic partnership to provide cloud services for Russian businesses,…

Russia's Nornickel Moves Closer to Biggest Buyer with Plan for Copper Plant in China

Nornickel, struggling to import equipment to sanctions-hit Russia, will close its Arctic copper plant and build one in China with…

Political West appears to be backing off after Russia's nuclear warning

That’s exactly what anyone with a single half-functioning brain cell would expect when trying to intimidate a country that can…

Is Russia's latest offensive really about Kharkov?

The offensive could force the Neo-Nazi junta to thin out defenses not only in western parts of the Donbass, but…

Why is Russia's real military spending about to reach over half a trillion dollars?

In a recent statement during a meeting with his closest associates, President Vladimir Putin announced that military spending in 2024…