Schlagwort: Russia

Trump advisers present plan to push Ukraine into peace talks with Russia

Zelensky’s ban on peace negotiations with Moscow will end with Trump’s election. Ähnliche Beiträge: French Prime Minister fears “Frexit”…

US moves previously banned missiles closer to China and Russia

The US-led political West is antagonizing both multipolar superpowers, openly taking pride in the fact that it can get into…

Indo-Russian Education Summit 2024: Strengthening Educational Ties Between Russia and India

Rossotrudnichestvo in collaboration with the Embassy of Russia in New Delhi, Russian House and Rus Education, is organising the Indo-Russian…

How far can American money push the Kiev regime's suicidal war with Russia?

The Kiev regime has so far gotten upwards of three times more money than what Moscow has (nominally) spent on…

NATO keeps escalating its crawling strategic siege of Russia

Direct NATO involvement in the Neo-Nazi junta’s attacks on Russian strategic assets could force Moscow to start shooting down US…

Universities in St. Petersburg and Harbin Jointly Launch Courses on Doing Business in China, Russia

Russia’s Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (SPbU), China’s School of Management at the Harbin Institute of Technology…

BRICS Nations Downgrade the Dollar

The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – presented a plan to change the global financial…

Brazil Considers Russia a Strategic Partner – Ambassador

The BRICS countries have steadily been expanding their economic cooperation, according to the South American nation’s envoy Rodrigo de Lima…

Russia Can Help South Africa Tackle Electricity Shortages — Russian Ambassador

Russia can help South Africa solve the problem of electricity shortages, Russian Ambassador to South Africa Ilya Rogachev told TASS…

BRICS Summit: China and Russia unite to deal with N. Korea at summit | Oneindia News

Chinese President Xi Jinping met his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Sunday night in Xiamen ahead of the (BRICS) summit.China…

China and Russia Stand for Global Governance Reforms

China and Russia have renewed their anti-Western confrontation during high-level meeting in early April 2024 in Beijing. China demonstrates greater…

Russia and China Reaffirm Their Space Partnership

Recently announced plans for a Sino-Russo lunar nuclear plant signal Russia’s eastward realignment in space cooperation and hint at China’s…

Russia destroys TV tower used by the Ukrainian military in Kharkov

The operation comes amid a recent wave of Russian actions to retaliate for Ukrainian incursions against border cities. Ähnliche…

Iran, Russia Finalizing Agreement for Constructing Rasht-Astara Railway

Tehran and Moscow are finalizing the draft of a contract for the implementation of the agreement to construct the Rasht-Astara…

Russia Invites BRICS Countries to Test Their Equipment at Arctic Exercises in 2025

Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations invited BRICS member countries to test their equipment at the Arctic exercises due in Russia…

Russia Builds New Asia Trade Routes to Weaken Sanctions Over War

Rail and shipping to link European Russia to India via Iran Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: 🇨🇳 🇪🇺 China Warns of…

How can Kremlin respond to EU/NATO's massive hybrid war against Russia?

In the last 10-15 years, NATO and EU, its geopolitical pendant, established institutions tasked with conducting hybrid war against Russia….