Schlagwort: Push

BRICS summit: Leaders push for unity on trade

Leaders of BRICS emerging economies are holding an annual three-day summit, with attention focused on threat of a US-led global…

BRICS Push Aside USA Dollar

The BRICS’ nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have as one of their founding goals, to eliminate the…

Macron’s push to arm Europe getting more dangerous

Majority of French people oppose the deployment of troops to Ukraine. Ähnliche Beiträge: Macron’s political bet could backfire with…

Trump advisers present plan to push Ukraine into peace talks with Russia

Zelensky’s ban on peace negotiations with Moscow will end with Trump’s election. Ähnliche Beiträge: French Prime Minister fears “Frexit”…

How far can American money push the Kiev regime's suicidal war with Russia?

The Kiev regime has so far gotten upwards of three times more money than what Moscow has (nominally) spent on…

BRICS' Push to Reduce US Dollar Dominance with Digital Currencies

The practicality of establishing a common currency is challenging; instead, the BRICS organization has focused on increasing trade and lending…