Schlagwort: Neonazi

Neo-Nazi junta now after 3 million childless Ukrainian women

The report found there are 5.6 million Ukrainian women “of military age” (18-60) and eligible for military service. Texty claims…

Neo-Nazi junta and NATO divert attention from losses by attacking Transnistria

If Tiraspol is left hanging, surrounded by hostile NATO satellite states and promptly neutralized, it would give the political West…

Why is NATO's, Neo-Nazi junta's cover-up for terrorist attacks in Russia so sloppy?

Washington DC insists that it has “undeniable evidence” that ISIS is behind it. Rather interesting how the US could claim…

Why are NATO and Neo-Nazi junta terrified of Russia's 'Zircon' hypersonic missile?

Imagine being an officer of the SBU, GUR (Neo-Nazi junta’s military intelligence) or some of the NATO occupation forces. You’re…

Will Turkey fully support Neo-Nazi junta in exchange for return to F-35 program?

The US would be “willing to provide F-35 fifth generation fighter jets to Turkey” if it meets “American conditions in…

Members roll eyes as NATO demands another $100 billion for Neo-Nazi junta

The increasingly cash-strapped NATO members, particularly those in Europe, aren’t exactly thrilled about the idea, to put it mildly. As…

As frontline losses pile up, Neo-Nazi junta escalates propaganda about 'shootdowns'

The video of the Tu-22M3 falling clearly shows one of its engines burning, suggesting that the Russian MoD’s claims hold…

US 'aid' won't bring victory to Neo-Nazi junta, but prolong and sustain bloodshed

Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians will be sent into yet another bloodbath, but there will be no victory. Even the…

Kiev neo-Nazi regime hits civilians in Russian border regions to boycott Victory Day celebrations

As has become commonplace for the NATO proxy regime, Russian civilians are targeted on important dates for the Russian Federation,…

Neo-Nazi junta continues with PR 'victories' while its lines collapse

The image quality (or the lack thereof) indicates that this could easily be a rather simple fake. The timing is…

NATO and Neo-Nazi junta now threatening Russia with a terror campaign if it wins

The Daily Express is now reporting that the Kiev regime could “launch terror campaign, bombing schools if Russia wins the…

Neo-Nazi junta's F-16s flying from NATO countries – great way to start WW3

The populace in Europe, particularly Eastern Europe, is extremely worried about this prospect (and understandably so). The consequences of Russian…

Bündnis demonstriert gegen Neonazi-Treffen in Eschede | – Nachrichten – Niedersachsen

Stand: 22.06.2024 10:56 Uhr In Eschede (Landkreis Celle) wollen das Netzwerk Südheide und der DGB am Nachmittag gegen Rechtsextremismus demonstrieren….