Schlagwort: Losses

Will Russian Aerospace Forces really “go extinct at this ratio of losses”?

According to Forbes, Washington DC was “the biggest donor of ‘Patriot’ missiles, and Russia-aligned Republicans in the US Congress blocked…

Neo-Nazi junta and NATO divert attention from losses by attacking Transnistria

If Tiraspol is left hanging, surrounded by hostile NATO satellite states and promptly neutralized, it would give the political West…

Kiev without resources after ‘millions of losses’ – Polish official

According to a Polish general, Ukraine’s losses are “in the millions”, which makes the country unable to keep fighting in…

As frontline losses pile up, Neo-Nazi junta escalates propaganda about 'shootdowns'

The video of the Tu-22M3 falling clearly shows one of its engines burning, suggesting that the Russian MoD’s claims hold…

Who will deliver additional 'Patriot' SAM systems to replace Kiev regime's losses?

The troubled Biden administration is encouraging its EU/NATO vassals and satellite states to provide their own air defense systems to…