Schlagwort: Iran

Président brésilien Lula da Silva : Les attaques israéliennes contre la bande de Gaza sont un génocide

Découvrez lactualité mondiale sur notre chaîne ! Restez informé(e) avec nos reportages complets, analyses approfondies et informations objectives. Abonnez-vous dès…

@BRICSinfo: JUST IN: 🇹🇷 🇮🇷 Turkey resumes oil imports from Iran, ignoring US sanctions.

JUST IN: 🇹🇷 🇮🇷 Turkey resumes oil imports from Iran, ignoring US sanctions. — BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) July 1,…

BRICS summit defends dialogue for Syria, Iran

The world’s biggest emerging powers on Thursday (29 March) said dialogue was the only answer to the crises in Syria…

US-Diplomat: Arabische Staaten wollen Israel-Sieg!

Viele arabische Staaten hoffen offenbar heimlich auf einen Sieg Israels über die Terrororganisation Hamas. Das hat der ehemalige US-Diplomat Dennis…

Iran threatens Israel amid war with Hamas, Hezbollah vows to attack Ähnliche Beiträge: South Africa brings ‘benchmark’ genocide case before ICJ, order for a Gaza ceasefire ‘unlikely’ @BRICSinfo: JUST IN:…

@BRICSinfo: BRICS: Russia and Iran Working on Major Partnership Deal…

BRICS: Russia and Iran Working on Major Partnership Deal — BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) June 30, 2024 Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS…

Iran Foreign minister urges BRICS nations to call for ceasefire in Gaza – Firstpost

In the letters sent by Amirabdollahian to the BRICS countries, which also includes India, he has called the Israeli retaliatory…

South Africa brings ‘benchmark’ genocide case before ICJ, order for a Gaza ceasefire ‘unlikely’

Visit our website: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS leaders urge immediate…

Massoud Peseschkian und Said Dschalili gehen bei der Präsidentenwahl im Iran in eine Stichwahl

Nachfolge von abgestürztem Raisi Reformer und Hardliner liegen bei Iran-Wahl Kopf an Kopf 29.06.2024, 10:01 Uhr Artikel anhören Diese Audioversion…

Trump verhängt Einreiseverbot für sieben muslimische Staaten

US-Präsident Donald Trump verhängt ein Einreiseverbot für sieben muslimische Staaten in die USA. Für die nächsten drei Monate dürfen Bürger…

ARY News 5 PM Headlines 26th January 2024 | Gaza genocide case – Latest News

#israelpalestineconflict #InternationalCourt #headlines Pakistan ‘seeks’ rollover of $2bln loan from China Provinces oppose removal of federal funded projects from PSDP…

BRICS: Why Iran Joined the Alliance

Iran has recently become one of the newest members of the BRICS alliance, a move that signals a significant shift…

US threatens sanctions if Pakistan continues gas pipeline project with Iran

Washington is unwittingly pushing Pakistan closer to China. Ähnliche Beiträge: Pakistan defies Washington’s sanction threats and starts building gas…

Iran secara rasmi anggotai BRICS

Iran secara rasmi menjadi anggota BRICS iaitu Kesatuan Ekonomi sedang pesat membangun, kata Timbalan Ketua Staf Hal Ehwal Politik Presiden…

Iran prepares mass graves for U.S. Troops – RT News

Iran prepares mass graves for U.S. Troops – RT News View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: RT Headline News | May…

Pakistan defies Washington’s sanction threats and starts building gas pipeline with Iran

Washington has only pushed Pakistan closer to China, Russia and Iran. Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS + : L’expansion des BRICS…

Iranian government seeks BRICS membership

The Iranian Foreign Minister, Saeed Khatibzadeh informed that with their entry into the group they will create an economic and…

Is America trying to bait Iran into a 'limited' nuclear war?

Washington DC has an undisclosed number of W76-2 warheads with an extremely low yield of 2-7 kt (kilotons of TNT)….