Schlagwort: Index

Index der menschlichen Entwicklung – Wikipedia

2021: HDI-Weltkarte, detailliert (veröffentlicht September 2022) ≥ 0,900 0,850–0,899 0,800–0,849 0,750–0,799 0,700–0,749 0,650–0,699 0,600–0,649 0,550–0,599 0,500–0,549 0,450–0,499 0,400–0,449 ≤ 0,399…

DB Global Private Venture Capital Index V – 2016

Updated High Confidence Information Private equity firm data and private Investor ages rapidly. Venture capital firms change focus, investment criteria,…

DB Global Private Venture Capital Index I – 2016: IPVC © 1998 – 2016

DB Global Private Venture Capital Index I – 2016: IPVC © 1998 – 2016 Price : 24.92 Ends on :…

DB Global Private Venture Capital Index V – 2016

Updated High Confidence Information Private equity firm data and private Investor ages rapidly. Venture capital firms change focus, investment criteria,…

DB Global Private Venture Capital Index I – 2016: IPVC © 1998 – 2016

DB Global Private Venture Capital Index I – 2016: IPVC © 1998 – 2016 Price : 24.92 Ends on :…