Schlagwort: Dollar

Economic WARFARE Begins! BRICS War Against U.S.

Where the TRUTH is EXPOSED and SCANDALS UNCOVERED:\r\r\r\r********************************************************************\rThe Money GPS by David Quintieri featuring Bob Chapman, James Turk, and David…

BRICS Shocked Dollar by Switching to Gold Reserve: What next? Ähnliche Beiträge: Federal Reserve Note Collapse News! BRICS Nations Continue To Displace The U.S. Dollar! NWO vs BRICS Hegelian…

brics nations end of the dollar?

brics nations end of the dollar? View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Federal Reserve Note Collapse News! BRICS Nations Continue To…

BRICS: Egypt Officially Dumps US Dollar for Trade

Egypt was one of five nations to accept an invitation to join the alliance at its 2023 summit. Subsequently, it…

@BRICSinfo: Major US Sector To Be Affected If BRICS Completely Ditches the Dollar

Major US Sector To Be Affected If BRICS Completely Ditches the Dollar — BRICS News (@BRICSinfo) June 29, 2024…

Putin – Die EU Staaten sind nicht souverän

Quelle: Deutschland+Russland Verbreitet das Video und erzählt es euren Mitmenschen! Schaut in meine Playlists zu den verschiedenen Themen und guckt…

BRICS Unveil Blockchain Payment System to Rival US Dollar

The BRICS nations reveal plans for a blockchain-based system facilitating payments outside of the US dollar system Ähnliche Beiträge:…

NWO vs BRICS Hegelian Dialectic

Silver Shield MiniMintages \r\rSilver Shield Group Proof MicroMintages At \r\rHelp us caption & translate this video!\r\r View at DailyMotion Ähnliche…

Der Dollar zittert mit dem Fernsehduell

Wenn Amerikas Bewerber für das Präsidentenamt sich einen öffentlichen Schlagabtausch liefern, dann bewegt das offenbar die Finanzmärkte in aller Welt….

NWO vs BRICS Hegelian Dialectic

Silver Shield MiniMintages \r\rSilver Shield Group Proof MicroMintages At \r\rHelp us caption & translate this video!\r\r View at DailyMotion Ähnliche…

BRICS Push Aside USA Dollar

The BRICS’ nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) have as one of their founding goals, to eliminate the…

BRICS Nations Downgrade the Dollar

The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – presented a plan to change the global financial…

BRICS: Here's Why the Alliance and Several Countries Reject the Dollar

Times are tough for the US dollar. Once a symbol of stability and a pillar of the global economy, it…

BRICS Pushes for Common Currency, in an Attempt to Reduce Dependence on the US Dollar

The BRICS are advancing the progress of their common currency, while actively promoting the use of member states’ local currencies…

BRICS Countries to Stop Trading in US Dollar, Plans to Introduce New Currency

The fall of dollar? Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa ditches US dollar Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS CURRENCY IN…

Federal Reserve Note Collapse News! BRICS Nations Continue To Displace The U.S. Dollar!

Federal Reserve Note Collapse News! BRICS Nations Continue To Displace The U.S. Dollar! View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BREAKING NEWS…

BRICS: $260 Billion in Trade Without a Single Dollar

As the American debt’s wild growth of more than 34,600 billion dollars continues to raise concerns, the BRICS deliver another…