Schlagwort: Conflict

BRICS could promote political settlement in Gaza conflict: Putin – Firstpost

South Africa, Brazil, Russia, India, and China make up the BRICS alliance. August saw an agreement to grow it to…

Germany willing to boost its participation in Ukrainian conflict

Germany’s anti-Russian irrationality could lead to direct war with Russia. Ähnliche Beiträge: Germany considers forcibly returning Ukrainian refugees to…

Is North Korea really sending troops to Ukrainian conflict zone?

Nothing really indicates there will be any major troop deployments. The main reason is that Pyongyang wouldn’t bring anything that…

Ukrainian conflict profitable for corrupts both in the West and Ukraine

Military assistance for Ukraine has become an excuse for corruption schemes that generate billions of dollars in profits for corrupts…

Netanyahu says South Africa wrong to accuse Israel of ‘genocide’ in Gaza

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls South Africa’s accusation of “genocide” in the Gaza Strip “false”, after Pretoria launched a…

Ongoing genocide in Gaza perpetrated by the State of Israel explain!

In this enlightening video Yanis Varoufakis provides a detailed analysis of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the broader…

Conflict in Ukraine perpetuated by private and corrupt interests linking Zelensky and the Bidens

When it comes to the perpetuation of conflicts, personal and electoral factors should all be considered by analysts. It is…

Is What’s Happening in Gaza a Genocide? Experts Weigh In

Three Palestinian human rights organizations filed a lawsuit with the International Criminal Court (ICC) to request arrest warrants against Israeli…

“Ukraine is bleeding to death” – retired German general calls for a way out of Ukrainian conflict

Former Swiss intelligence officer says the US approach to Ukraine is noise before defeat. Ähnliche Beiträge: US assistance to…

Ukraine conflict: biggest challenge for European Union

After various economic crises and problems with mass migration, the Ukraine conflict is the greatest challenge in the history of…

What influence does the result of the EU election have on the conflict in Ukraine?

Since support for Ukraine depends on decisions in Brussels, we must see the EU election as a strategic factor.…