Schlagwort: BRICS

Sommet des BRICS : Un moteur pour l’industrialisation africaine ?

Al Qarra – Vendre le potentiel économique de l’Afrique du sud en particulier, et du continent en général. C’est l’un…

BRICS nations announce creation of a development bank

Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff said Wednesday a decision by BRICS emerging powers to create a development bank did not mean…

Países miembros del BRICS acuerdan ampliar cooperación financiera

Países miembros del BRICS, acuerdan ampliar cooperación financiera y fomentar la colaboración en el nuevo banco de desarrollo, durante una…

Los BRICS acuerdan mecanismos para generar nuevos ingresos

Como parte del cronograma de la XV Cumbre del BRICS las autoridades del grupo anunciaron importantes noticias para el futuro…

Inclusión, crecimeinto e igualdad, ejes principales de BRICS

El Nuevo Banco de Desarrollo de los países BRICS -Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica- fue creado durante la VI…

Crean los BRICS su propio banco de desarrollo

Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica, países a los que se conoce como el grupo de los BRICS (denominación obtenida…

South Africa gears up to host BRICS summit

South Africa gears up to host the annual BRICS summit for the first time since joining the elite club of…

BRICS membership: Malaysia’s potential benefits and challenges

Source link Ähnliche Beiträge: New BRICS Members’ Perspectives on Exploiting Potential Benefits Saudi Arabia BRICS Membership: Balancing Benefits and Risks…

In bid to join BRICS, Turkey plays a delicate balancing act

Source link Ähnliche Beiträge: In bid to join BRICS, Turkey plays delicate balancing act Have Your Cake and Eat It…

Leaders cover Afghanistan crisis in BRICS Summit

BRICS has emerged as an influential voice for the emerging economies of the world as it focuses on the priorities…

BRICS Nations Take Stern Stand Against Terrorism

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: India-China Tension Overshadows BRICS Summit PM Modi Targets Pak At BRICS BRICS summit Under Pak…

BRICS economies have strong momentum – Chinese FM

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS members strengthen space cooperation Explore Xiamen: What is BRICS? BRICS: Why important to China…

A Review of Russia's Climatic Initiatives in BRICS

In April 2024, Russia announced its proposals for the BRICS Contact Group on Climate Change and Sustainable Development. The priorities…

What are the BRICS+ Multipliers?

The current paradigm of BRICS expansion focused on the expansion of the core and the creation of a “partnership belt”…

Brics anuncia adesão de seis novos membros

Arábia Saudita, Argentina, Egito, Etiópia, Irã e Emirados Árabes Unidos. Estes seis países vão fazer parte do Brics a partir…

BRICS culture ministers aim for greater cooperation

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS foreign ministers gather in Beijing China announces increase in BRICS funding BRICS agriculture ministers…

Prime Minister Narendra Modi BRICS Summit Highlights

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS Summit: Narendra Modi goes global BRICS Summit: Narendra Modi enlists India’s role in development…

SA Supports Russian Proposal to Form BRICS Space Council

Report a spelling error If you think there is a mistake in the text, you can send it to the…

China Supports Kazakhstan Joining BRICS, President Xi Says

China’s President Xi Jinping said he supports Kazakhstan joining the BRICS bloc, Chinese state media reported, as the group of…