Schlagwort: BRICS

Dedolarisasi Digaungkan BRICS, Bisakah?

Pimpinan negara-negara yang tergabung dalam BRICS. View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Brics se encontram New Chapter of BRICS: What’s the…

Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan BRICS Zirvesi’nde

Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti’nde düzenlenecek olan BRICS zirvesine katıldı. Erdoğan, Türkiye’nin zirveye İslam İşbirliği Teşkilat Dönem başkanı…

Ramaphosa addresses BRICS Summit

Ramaphosa addresses BRICS Summit View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Ramaphosa addresses BRICS Summit Ramaphosa addresses BRICS Summit BRICS Summit &…

Brics discute conflitos internacionais

O Brics celebrou nesta terça-feira a criação de um banco de desenvolvimento, mas também lamentou a falta de progresso nas…

Sitharaman on BRICS bank

Minutes after the agreement on BRICS development bank was signed, TIMES NOW’s Political Editor Navika Kumar, who is in Fortaleza…

BRICS: Egypt's Role in the Union – Here's What We Need to Know

According to economist Shaima Sherif, Egypt’s trade partnership with the BRICS countries is expected to focus on food security, especially…

L’Argentine rejoint les BRICS !

⚠️ AVANT-PROPOS – les publications de cquoilapolitique ne sont pas exhaustives.Certains éléments sont manquants pour deux raisons :1. L’objectif du…

Los BRICS en expansión

Argentina ingresa a los BRICS. También se incorporarán al grupo Egipto, Etiopía, Arabia Saudita, Irán y Emiratos Árabes Unidos. Los…

BRICS gündemi örgütün genişlemesi

BRICS zirvesi olarak bilinen ve Rusya dahil gelişmekte olan beş büyük ekonomiyi bir araya getiren üç günlük toplantı Güney Afrika’da…

BRICS Must Learn Very Quickly That ‘to Dare Is to Do’

In an international world order whose multipolarity has been systematically undermined by the rise of Western-led unilateralism, developing states have…

BRICS Versus G8: Emerging Economies and the Future of Global Balance

In the global geopolitical landscape, BRICS and G8 stand out as influential entities, born with different foundations, objectives and internal…

BRICS to Bailout Europe?

BRICS to Bailout Europe? View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Federal Reserve Note Collapse News! BRICS Nations Continue To Displace The…

Algeria Close to Joining the BRICS Bank

Report a spelling error If you think there is a mistake in the text, you can send it to the…

North Korea continues to embarrass China with Hydrogen Bomb test during BRICS | Oneindia News

North Korea has increasingly used the nuclear brinkmanship in a bid to be taken seriously. On Sunday, North Korea announced…

BRICS zirvesi Hindistan’da başladı

Dünyanın gelişmekte olan ekonomilerini biraraya getiren dördüncü BRICSS liderler zirvesi, Hindistan’ın başkenti Yeni Delhi’de başladı. Zirvenin açılışında Brezilya, Rusya, Hindistan,…

Are the BRICS and Their New Development Bank Offering Alternatives to the World Bank, the IMF?

In recent years, the rightful rejection of the policies promoted by the traditional imperialist powers (North America, Western Europe and…

BRICS and De-Dollarization Efforts – Analysis

The BRICS alliance, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, has issued a call for Middle Eastern nations…

Brıcs Outreach Çalışma Toplantısı

– BRICS Outreach Çalışma Toplantısı Programda yapılan konuşmalar JOHANNESBURG – Güney Afrika’da, 10. Brezilya-Rusya-Hindistan-Çin-Güney Afrika (BRICS) Zirvesi’nde “BRICS Outreach Çalışma…

Paesi BRICS e Occidente

Verso un nuovo ordine mondiale dettato dai Paesi in crescita ovvero Paesi BRICS – View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge:…