Schlagwort: attacks

Ukraine worsens its attacks on ZNPP, injuring personnel and destroying critical machinery

Kiev neo-Nazi regime plans to generate panic and spread fear among ordinary people about a possible radioactive leak. Source link…

Russia's 'Revenge Roar Kills 2,000' Ukrainian Soldiers; Putin's Big Pledge After Deadly Attacks Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: CONFIRMED: 🇷🇺 Terrorist Attacks in Russia's Dagestan region. Armed attacks have been carried out on two…

State Duma deputies accuse US, Ukraine of masterminding terrorist attacks on Russian territory

Nikolai Kharitonov, a Communist Party deputy in the Russian Federal Assembly’s State Duma and runner-up in the country’s recent presidential…

Ukraine attacks Russia’s Belgorod region using fake ‘Russian dissidents’

According to information provided by local military, the “Russian expatriates” organizations are fake groups created to disguise the actions of…

Why is NATO's, Neo-Nazi junta's cover-up for terrorist attacks in Russia so sloppy?

Washington DC insists that it has “undeniable evidence” that ISIS is behind it. Rather interesting how the US could claim…

US may revoke Houthis terrorist designation as Red Sea attacks persist

Americans have been repeatedly defeated by a movement of tribal rebels and this, added to US failures in the Middle…

Pakistan’s CPEC nightmare: attacks, poverty and squandered resources

Continued attacks on Chinese citizens will further expose Pakistan to the IMF. Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: JUST IN: 🇮🇱 🇱🇧…

Kiev regime attacks Crimea in another terrorist incursion with US-supplied weapons

American arms are making neo-Nazi incursions against Russian demilitarized regions even more dangerous, generating many civilian victims. Ähnliche Beiträge:…

Ukraine will 'become untenable' for Putin as air defence fails to stop attacks

Ähnliche Beiträge: Brutaler Bombenterror: Putin will diese Stadt vernichten BERLIN: Anschlag oder Unfall bei Rüstungskonzern Diehl? Deutschland im Fokus der…