Schlagwort: Armenia

Inside Story – Debating genocide

We ask why Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, is so determined to pass a law making it illegal to deny…

Kav-Kaz – Genocide

about armenian genocide !kav-kaz ! View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Mobydick – Genocide Gaza (FREESTYLE) Armenian Genocide–A Genocide Denied is…

Khojaly genocide part2

Turkish Genocide in Azerbaijan by Armenia. Armenia; answer to what have done in Khojaly town of Azerbaijan, before having fake…

Armenia pivoting to West and distancing from Eurasia, enhancing military ties with France

“Decoupling” from Russia (and Eurasia) would be detrimental to Armenia’s own interests – but that is precisely what the West…

Aliyev says Azerbaijan “cannot sit idly by” while Armenia is armed by France, India and Greece

The South Caucasus is becoming a flashpoint of competing interests. Ähnliche Beiträge: Armenia pivoting to West and distancing from…

Pashinyan's fantasies about EU/NATO membership won't end well for Armenia

Even the most naively optimistic spectator would laugh at the idea of Armenia joining the EU in 2030, let alone…