26 thoughts on “Special counsel report finds Biden willfully retained classified info

  1. The left is pushing really hard with their "biden isn't senile" BS- well if he's not senile, then clearly he should be charged. If he is senile then he shouldn't be president.

    Which one is it?

    You can't have it both ways.

  2. That’s so weird. Biden isn’t going to be charged? Hmm. Maybe best we wait for him to leave office then move forward with charges. Maybe prosecutors in Boise or Casper kickstart this shindig. Wait, he illegally possessed classified docs from when he was a VP? Did he declassify them first?

  3. Hur is a republican partisan hack. Weissman was a republican hack. These men were appointed by Merrick Garland the DOJ. Garland has miserably failed the USA. His original sin was he did not investigate the January 6th. Otherwise we wouldn't be where we are TODAY!

  4. Can someone please help Biden?
    Where are the Biden’s keepers???

    Stop letting him run to show off

    One of these times he will fall and break a hip. Maybe get him a walker.

    stop giving him hard words on his cue cards but

     do give him cards he has to follow and not go off script.

    Highlight the words he needs to read out loud and tell him not to read directions on that card like “repeat the line” which should not be highlighted.

    Don’t let him talk to grieving people so he tries to relate to their pain with some inflated story or write him a response that’s not a lie and sounds more like he really cares.

    Take away his watch so he doesn’t check it when the fallen soldiers are parading by him.

    someone helped him get on and off the stage. Not a bunny rabbit either.

    And where is his wife? She should be there to help him and correct him, help put on his coat, and make sure there are no shadows to trip over.

    She can touch his shoulder to get him to stay on task.

    And keep him away from the children he is creeping them out.

    For that matter keep him away from all young girls. When they cringe and move away from him it doesn’t look good.

    Maybe put blinders on him so he can’t see young women that he wants to go after to sniff their hair.

    Tell Hunter to stop loaning him snuff that makes his eyes wide without blinking. It makes him look weird.

    Get him a stair lift to get on and off the plane. Safety is better than looks.

    Don’t let him sit through long meetings so he falls asleep that looks bad for us.

    Stop putting him in front of people who will want to ask questions so he laughs at them while his crew escorts them out of the room.

    Don’t let him walk so much his stiff walking looks like he is old.

    Don’t let him go on talk shows anymore it is just too weird.

    Does anyone know of anything else that can help this bumbling old senile man?

  5. open border treasonous him not fit for trial but still president clearly a puppet but y'all dems seem ok with that lol that stands for treason too,the 25 billion in ev's he was supposed to make throughout america where has the money gone 10 billion to our enemy iran o jeez thats treasonous too not to mention the warmongering in Ukraine money laundering

  6. There are no charges for Biden is because he is not Trump . Biden and his administration are so corrupt . They are proving to the world that they are corrupt and will do anything and everything to keep Biden in office . To all of those involved remember there is someone higher than you .

  7. No actually he tried blocking their claim to interview him though Fake-News is scrambling to try and pick up the pieces. When I was in prison there was somebody who came into it who claimed he didn't know where he was. He told people he thought he was at a camp ground because of the fences and bells that said where they were supposed to go. One of the doctors broke through his lies when he asked, if you didn't know where you were, why did you go to sick call? You didn't see guards walking around in uniform? Obviously you've been eating and going to commissary. And the coup degrace, one of the biggest rules while walking around the grounds was "Tucking in the Shirt". Which he had done his clothes had his prison ID on shirt and pants. People don't have those at Boy Scout camps. That was like Klinger going in drag to get put out of the military. It didn't work for him nor should it work for Bidens fake impersonation of Tim Conways the Oldest Man. Anyone Remember the cartoon "I Am Elmer J Fudd I own a Mansion and a Yacht". Bugs gets handcuffed by Fed agents for tax evasion. With Fudd speaking to the audience I might be crazy but I'm not going to prison. Compare the latitude of things the so-called Law Enforcement has given. I know I didn't get a text from the FBI saying that I was going to be visited by the Feds. I know nobody else has, ever. Except for Hunter and Joe. And allowed them the blindness they have only given the Clinton's. You Democrats have destroyed this nation. And proven you're being manipulated by Islamists and drug Cartels. While living with the most heavily armed guards to save you from the Islamists and dangerous people from South America and all Terrorist countries including Chinese soldiers.

  8. Apples and oranges, you say? Trump behaved like someone who believed he had a right to those documents. Biden (and indeed the whole world) knew he had no right to have them.

  9. They are not apple and oranges Biden docs were not in a secure place they were in his damn garage with a drugged out traitor lurking around and it washed done by accident come on cnn this is why you’re ratings suck because everyone in the world knows that Biden is being protected. Do better CNN

  10. the difference here is trump is allowed to keep classified material.and joe biden having classified information in his home as a vice president is illegal.him being a president now has nothing to do with those documents were brought home when joe biden was vice president which he did not nor any vice president has ever had.thats a crime

  11. Willfully retained classified information…. But he’s too senile, so a jury would find it hard to convict him for it, even though he’s only been senile for 4 years and this goes back to his days as a senator. I’m pretty sure that:
    1. That’s not how normal prosecutions work.
    2. If he’s too senile to be charged, then it should be law that you have to step down as President.

    Imagine being a Democrat and actually trying to spin this so you can have it both ways. Where he’s somehow found completely innocent and totally mentally competent to run the country. Literally the opposite of reality.

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