Secretary of State Nominee Antony Blinken Opening Statement

Secretary of State Nominee Antony Blinken delivers an opening statement at his Senate Foreign Relations Committee …


Author: C-SPAN

41 thoughts on “Secretary of State Nominee Antony Blinken Opening Statement

  1. Talk to your letter carriers! I’ve been talking to ours and they are more than happy to talk about all the mishandling of ballots that happened between March and a week before the election.

    20+ year veteran postal workers were saying all year that they were being told to process the ballots incorrectly. They were told to not separate them as has always been done. Then a week before the election they began separating the ballots. Bags and bags of ballots went missing and all sorts of other shenanigans took place. And just imagine all those postal workers who have been talking to Sidney Powell’s team…

    It ain’t over yet…

    And, BTW, you need to go to Russell-Jay: Gould’s YouTube channel and watch his documentary and all the videos he has posted since. He has a lot to do with what is going on. I am just not certain yet that the luminati’s supposed 2 parties aren’t all in on it against Russell.

    Synopsis: Russell captured the Title 4 Flag in 1999 after the United States had its third and final bankruptcy. Otherwise we’d be under complete British rule. Being owner of that flag makes him commander in chief, chief justice of the supreme court and postmaster general. My letter carriers tell me that he took over as postmaster general sometime late last year. So I have no reason to doubt the validity of his claim of commander in chief and chief justice.

    There are so many moving parts to this, so many powers and secret groups with their hands in it and wanting ownership of not just this country but the entire Earth.

    But based on a millenia of astrological science, we are due to enter the golden age for 1000 years. We have entered the age of Aquarius and the last 120+ years has been shifting from the age of Pisces to the age of Aquarius. My shaman truly believes we are going to see the golden age in our lifetime but he has not yet ascertained how much more darkness we will experience before we enter that beautiful time. I have decided to put my full belief in helping to bring it right now!🙏🏼


    On March 12, 1819 the State of Virginia, with the enactment and publication of the laws of Virginia, became the 13th and FINAL state required to ratify the above article of amendment to the Constitution For The United States, thus making it the Law Of The Land. With the enactment of Act No. 280, March 12, 1819, which was Voted, En Bloc, and publication of the Revised Code, the State of Virginia notified the Department of State, the Congress, the Library of Congress, and the President of their action by issuing to each a copy of the Laws of Virginia. [See VA 1819 Images] . In fact, the Journal of the Virginia Senate; Tuesday, May 1st, 1810 (Pages 511-512 shows that the resolution to amend was properly enrolled and ratified on that date by the Virginia House and Senate, to be laid before the President of the United States, therefore the first state to ratify.

    This Article of Amendment is intimately connected to questions of loyalty, honesty, war and national defense. It is designed to combat internal subversion and discord sowed by people who are adhering to powers foreign to the Congress of the United States without stepping across the bold Constitutional line of treason. The authors of the TONA wrote it after some additional experience with how the British Empire, as well as other European nations, actually conduct their affairs. It is a corrective and supplemental measure to go along with Constitutional treason.

    This Article of Amendment added an enforceable strict penalty, i.e., inability to hold office and loss of citizenship, for violations of the already existing constitutional prohibition in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8 on titles of nobility and other conflicts of citizenship interest, such as accepting emoluments of any kind for services or favors rendered or to be rendered, and is particularly applicable today in the 21st Century as government is increasingly FOR SALE to the highest bidder, as foreign nations and multinational corporations and individuals compete to line the pockets of politicians and political parties to accommodate and purchase protection or privilege for their special interests, i.e. with honors, such as money or allowing dual-citizenships.

    In terms familiar to the common man, this might quite properly be called the use of bribes and graft by individuals and powers foreign, i.e. external, to the Congress of the United States to subvert the constitutional process and suborn our political system and the interests of WE THE PEOPLE.

    After appearing in numerous official publications until 1876, this Article "disappeared" from our Constitution, to be replaced by another made nearly 50 years later. You may well ask how such a thing could have happened. So did we.

    It is of particular interes to read the last three paragraphs of the preface to"Echoes From The Cabinet," published in 1896 …. click here .. To understand why our legislators mad it disappear.

    The disappearance of the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States has been under investigation by independent modern researchers during the past -1862 years. We've learned a lot.

    We now know that the original 13th Amendment was, and still is, the Law Of The Land.

    The law is still there, waiting only to be publicly recognized and enforced once again to protect the Sovereignty and Interests of WE THE PEOPLE, and to force the elected representatives of the people to adhere strictly to their solemn and binding Oath of Office, i.e., "I, AB, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God." , and to the limitations of government imposed by the Constitution.

  3. The DC military encampment is actually a holding facility for enemies of America, and it will soon host military tribunals. / Children's Health Defense News – China Health Experts Call for Suspension of COVID Vaccines as Norway Investigates 33 Deaths, Germany Probes 10 Deaths. / California Health Officials Call for Pause on Moderna Vaccine Batch Due to Reports of Allergic Reactions. / Gen. Michael Flynn & attorney Lin Wood are extremely confident that the US National Guard build up in DC is actually a trap for traitors. Steve Pieczenik was a former psychological operations intelligence offical with the US Statement Department and helped the United States carry out military coups against foreign nations. Pieczenik claimed a military coup was under way to carry out mass arrests against the traitors on or before January 20th. / By Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Declarations by health officials and vaccine makers – that deaths and injuries following COVID vaccinations are unrelated coincidences – are becoming a pattern. They're also depriving people of the information they need in order to make informed decisions. / "The U.S. Enviromental Protection Agency's deeply flawed regulatory process allows the use of pesticides like aldicarb, an "extremely hazardous" neurotoxin banned in more than 100 countries and known to cause developmental harm in children." / An expert virologist, pathologist & former chairman of a prominent medical association in Canada told officials in the province of Alberta that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is a great hoax. / Truth, Liberty, & Freedom / / & / & / & / &

  4. The reason why there's a very long process for someone to get confirmed is because he could become president if Biden dies hairis dies pelosi dies and Chuck grassyly dies
    Aka president vice president speaker of the House president pro tempore of the Senate then him

  5. Thank you, Mr. Secretary Blinken, for speaking into the untold suffering of the people of Tigray. Soldiers from Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and drones UAE unleashed on innocent children, women,and the elderly.  Stop the genocide! Demand free access of aid and journalist to the region and withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Tigray.

  6. Aside from the obvious question of just why is diplomatic service a form of family cottage industry of apparent nepotism for the Blinken Clan, there are no other objections I could raise about Mr. Antony Blinken (at this moment in time, anyway, since all I know of him comes from a recent Google search), except for this, perhaps, trivial one. Why can't he correctly pronounce both the British and American pronunciation of the commonly understood word "refuge?" The commonly "across the pond" pronunciation has the accent on "ref" and not "fuge." He pronounces it like it internally rhymes with the verb "to refuse" which seems very odd indeed. He was born and raised in the Borough of Yonkers, New York City, for chrissakes. So, why this peculiar affectation of speech? Just how detached (and perhaps aloof) from common American life has been this person? Is this the sort of apparent elitist who should represent America to all the other nations of the world? It just makes me wonder upon a first impression.

  7. We were pleased at the breadth and depth of knowledge of nominee Anthony Blinken for US Secretary of State, and believe he will be a critical confidante at the Biden US Cabinet. However, we would appreciate that the US Secretary of State, which also leads in diverse business and humanitarian domains, assumes a global leadership position that all Americans will be proud of!
    Julie Ann Racino, American Society for Public Administration, International, 2021

  8. I advise all reasonable people categorically not to believe a single word that the US administration says about foreign policy. In fact, everything is different. In fact, America betrays its most loyal inmates to its enemies in the most vile and immoral way. Those who believe America's empty promises very soon find themselves in hell on earth multiplied by 100 times. America also betrays its military allies to the enemy (for Putin to Russia). For disclosing this information, the US Government threatens in writing with reprisals. Just think how awful it is. Thus, I warn everyone who hears me do not believe a single word that the US leadership says.

  9. This man speak about ethiopia something he doesnt understand ethiopia suffer 27 yrs with the past leadership, now ethiopian have a light of peace…the people live in America pushing this false accusation
    actually left as a poletical refuge from ethiopia due to bad treatment of the past leadership.

  10. Double standard again and again, Kerry out of his prior office position , keep going to visit Iran, to do and say what? Gullaino the Presidents attorney under Trumps request followed up on the then public corruption complaints on Hunter Biden, the Double standard again, and of course then VP Biden holding loans over their head unless investigation into the Biden's was halted.

  11. Designated Foreign Terrorist Organization Talaban, why is Biden giving weapons of war to them when it is against the laws of the United States?International laws as well as United States laws broken by Biden orders to give weapoms of war to the Talaban.

    It is unlawful for a person in the United States or subject to the jurisdiction of the United States to knowingly provide “material support or resources” to a designated FTO. (The term “material support or resources” is defined in 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(1) as ” any property, tangible or intangible, or service, including currency or monetary instruments or financial securities, financial services, lodging, training, expert advice or assistance, safehouses, false documentation or identification, communications equipment, facilities, weapons, lethal substances, explosives, personnel (1 or more individuals who maybe or include oneself), and transportation, except medicine or religious materials.” 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(2) provides that for these purposes “the term ‘training’ means instruction or teaching designed to impart a specific skill, as opposed to general knowledge.” 18 U.S.C. § 2339A(b)(3) further provides that for these purposes the term ‘expert advice or assistance’ means advice or assistance derived from scientific, technical or other specialized knowledge.’’18 U.S. Code § 2381 – "Treason"Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

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