Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies before Senate Foreign Relations Committee | full video

Secretary of State Antony Blinken testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday about the State …


Author: CBS News

27 thoughts on “Secretary of State Antony Blinken testifies before Senate Foreign Relations Committee | full video

  1. ,Я,знаю ,що Я сказала і від своїх слів не відказуюсь,Ви мене можете вбити ,як вони роблять туту зі мною but I will stand my ground for the truths

  2. Cruz is way off base blaming Biden for Ukraine when it is totally Putin's responsibility and if he succeeds in getting Ukraine he will go after Poland and not stop there. Also, Cruz is the one playing words games ineffectively. Cruz is making a fantasy scenario and acting like it's real.

  3. Blinken and current US government are protecting Mullahs and their fingers in Middle East. I didn't understand why Chairman Cardin is appreciating him. You don't see universities around you?

  4. The Democrat Party is doing exactly what an enemy would do to cripple and destroy a country..china owns the democrat party..literally..just like they own hollywood.

  5. OMG there are democrat senators that are saying the Israilies are failing to live up to Standards. WTF only a dem could say something so crazy and not blame hammas for all this mayhem.

  6. Every single thing Blinken has worked on during his tenure has been a complete failure. Gaza and Ukraine being the worst examples. He is the worst secretary of state in US history.

  7. Well what about the icc trying to go after Putin Russia has a court system. China and Russia are sovereign Nations Our Government plays make believe, They can’t beat a Russia/China aligned front it’s all but over for the Dollar will our pronoun filled military scratch their faces and throw tantrums. Don’t get me wrong most people in our military are Brave soldiers whom I respect but the Top of our government are losers that support woke agendas ect

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