41 thoughts on “‘Repeat the line’: Biden mocked for reading teleprompter instruction during live broadcast | Viral

  1. You would never believe it unless you see it.😂I still don’t get why people vote for him, ? If you don’t like trump fine then don’t vote, don’t fuck it up for others that care about the their future

  2. And just yesterday, April 24,2024, Joe was reading the teleprompter and said, "Just imagine what we can achieve with another term. Four more years (pause) and we'll have it in the best possible shape "
    The dumb bastard said "pause" 🙄 🤦 🤷

  3. “Four more years. Pause,”-Joe TaliBiden

    “Reilly…last name”-Joe TaliBiden

    “end of quote, repeat the line” -Joe TaliBiden

    “We are detecting and removing so-called forever chemicals, referred to as PFAS. P dash FAS dash,” -Joe TaliBiden

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