37 thoughts on “‘Oh dear, oh dear’: Nigel Farage roasts Joe Biden over latest gaffes

  1. Nothing wrong with Biden, what other president could have got the border opened up between Gaza and Mexico, and who else could have managed to get a meating with a dude who died a generation ago??

  2. Let’s put an end to this “leader of the free world,” nonsense. It’s a BS statement that places an inappropriate position on a country that has no legal or moral basis to rule or lead any other independent and sovereign country. Ahfuquenmen!

  3. Why don't we focus on what a grifting cunt Nigel Farage is? Well-documented anti-semitic slurs and bullying from Farage as a cadet in the army reserves, as a young man, and a well-known racist fascist who lied about Brexit so he could ensure his offshore banking wouldn't be touched. Yes, you give this unelectable POS who tried to stand as an MP EIGHT TIMES and couldn't get elected EIGHT TIMES. says it all.

  4. I hope Biden runs, doesn't get removed, and suffers the greatest embarrassment of ALL TIME. He deserves it regardless of his mental issues. Screw Biden and his entire family.

  5. I`m not worried about the United States and its fools. I`m worried about the United Kingdom and its fools.Farage is the person that need not worry about the household bills. Neither need he worry about freedom to live in any other country ( including EU Countries ).

  6. First of all neither Biden nor Trump should be on the ballot. One is senile and talking nonsense and the other is a criminal getting indicted left and right for fraud. This is a disgrace!!

  7. We all should allow Brandon to cook his own okra pies (with anchovies and garlic filling ) just to show him our love and appreciation for behaving like a true circus clown with the Chinese president by inviting him to Delaware for a summit where Joe Biden promised to dance the Lambada while singing the USA national anthem this next Christmas 😂!.Lets go Brandon!.

  8. At this time and age when rapid, critical decisions need to be made else nations will suffer, it is unbearable to see and hear this man continuously stumble over his own words! And we are at his mercy and no one wants to admit it and pull the reins. God alone can help us! What's even more disturbing is if I were to subject an elderly person to this type of conduct I would be charged with elder abuse.

  9. America is testing how dumb is it's public. That puppet is there just for a joke. The whole World is laughing at this man and his entire staff he us surrounded by.

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