26 thoughts on “‘Losing control of his faculties’: Joe Biden ‘palpably senile’

  1. That speech was kinda funny. He, basically, said he doesn't care about the black community because he's been president for nearly 4 years and was v.p and a senator and he , apparently, didn't / hasn't changed a damn thing for them.

  2. Seriously, when you were vp their wasn't even a pandemic. What world are you living in. It's a sad day when we continue having you as our Pres. You really need to step down and take Harris the hyena with you. Mr. Pres. You work for us we dont work for you. You were brought into office by the American ppl, but you have no right to dictate what you chose for OUR COUNTRY. WE LET YOU KNOW WHAT WE WANT.

  3. I’m waiting for Joe to come out on stage and milk a mule for votes. Life was hard for him growing up a poor black child in the delta before he became a truck driver, then a factory worker, a esteemed space cowboy, and ultimately a professional cuck for extremest.

  4. Biden does not know what the fuck he is talking about.He was elected by a minority. 81 million votes are around 24 % of the the legal registered eligible voting population in the US. A minority rules and that is not democracy.

  5. Remember everyone, these are NEVER Biden's words that he's speaking – they are words written by Obama leftists who are running him. These are all Barack's ideas, policies and words and they're intent on taking down this beautiful country! None of this excuses him ~ just a reality check.

  6. Joe OBIDEN said: i mmmmm idxvru, SHOWER WITH MY DAUGHTER, mmmf fhrithg fjuyfd , I'M A TRAITOR, nkjggdu fbhyygg sssmmm , OBAMA IS MY BOSS, fjjghtehbd xjuyxbduu fbtu. THEY'RE NOT BAD FOLKS, FOLKS, fjjfiiryy. Djhygv I TRIED TO MAKE GEORGE FLOYD A HERO djiffurn dhyc F**K YOUR RIGHTS. Fjytfc mmm nnnfyg. Im a RACIST. Mmm shsttc fkiideh… SAD, djudt dhtt MY HEROES THAT DIED…hdyrds jbbn . HELICOPTER CRASH..jjdygej mxuye. OBAMA'S BUDDIES. Blah blah blah. FJB.POS.

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