25 thoughts on “Joe Biden’s ‘awkward’ moment at G7 summit goes viral | Watch video

  1. 🆘 🆘 🆘 Look, Biden is totally out of sync with the moment being enjoyed by the other world leaders. WTF was he looking at, frozen, mouth gaping open? His outward presentation reveals that he's totally lost in a fog. It is entirely unacceptable to continue to countenance this man as a viable candidate for 2024. His compromised mental condition is a exigent danger to the US and the world. It's no longer about political party. America is adrift in a shabby lifeboat of unsustainable debt and economic weakness and the captain of that lifeboat is entirely clueless.

  2. Look at England teaming with the fascist Italian MP to create a mockery of the United States of America. How selfish and cruel people must they be un their quests for power and greed that has no place in polite society. Creating chaos for their own pleasures and benefits… this is Hell on Earth and the Evangelicals have sold souls to the highest bidders. How rich are you?

  3. In the video you can see Biden giving a Thumb-up
    In the video you can also see the paratrooper in front of Bidens Thumb-up

    Biden went to the paratrooper to give him a Thumb-up, not like Trump, who calls US soldiers losers and suckers, when he isn’t busy insulting Gold Star mothers.

    Giving a thumb-up to a paratrooper is now awkward?

  4. He is in decline with dementia. He had an aneurysm a few years back which rquired frontal lobe brain surgery. Brain issues run in his family. He son Beau died from brain cancer. He does NOT need the stress and responsibility of the Presidency. His wife and family should be ashamed!

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