Giorgia Meloni is Italy’s first far-right PM since WW II | Inside Story

Giorgia Meloni will lead Italy’s most-right wing administration since the fascist era of Benito Mussolini. Her nationalist Brothers of …


Author: Al Jazeera English

25 thoughts on “Giorgia Meloni is Italy’s first far-right PM since WW II | Inside Story

  1. She wants to protect her country from mass illegal immigration, protect the sanctity of being a mother, protect our children from destructive LGBT ideology and be a good Catholic and this makes her FAR RIGHT??? This media company reporting and most media exposure in general,is corrupt on a soul level. Truly pathetic.

  2. Why is it far right to defend one's country's borders, believe in God and traditional values.? And not far left to let government encroach in citizens lives, have open borders with illegal immigrants (and criminal among them) coming in, to approve of unisex bathrooms and lockers, men competing against girls just because they" feel a woman", passing laws that go against the citizens best interests or like in Canada's example of trudeau freezing the bank accounts of people because they were rebelling against his regime? That's not far left? Huh!

  3. FACIST BULLCRAPE Anti imigration? France is the most guilty exploiter off africa. Where uranium en gold kobalt are mined by children. And Niger provides the uranium for 30 % off france their energie. While in Niger 90% of population has no acces to anything? so look at the real criminals that force people to seek their luck in Europe. Nothing to do with facists but more like modern slavery throw to France monetary African franc.

  4. The entire western world needs to go that route deport illegal immigrants but endorse legal immigrants enough is enough these illegal immigrants come to our countries they comity crimes and don’t want to integrate

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