Five things to know about Giorgia Meloni

Italy’s new PM entered politics at age 15, was Italy’s youngest-ever minister at age 31, and heads a party that traces its roots back …


Author: TRT World

32 thoughts on “Five things to know about Giorgia Meloni

  1. Congratulations to this great Italian Patriot, Giorgia Meloni, for winning her election.

    I hope Marie LePen will one day do it for France and in two years we can dump the village idiot currently occupying the White House.

  2. The newspaper Diario de Mallorca tells the story of 1995, when Francesco Meloni was stopped in the port of Maó, in Menorca, with 1,500 kilos of hashish on a sailboat: he was then sentenced to 9 years. The man left the Italian family when the current leader of Fdi was just one year old. The aspiring premier, among other things, recently explained that he wanted to break off relations with his parent when he was just 11 years old.
    Here is who rules Italy, the daughter of a drug trafficker

  3. Stop mentioning fascism when you talk about Giorgia Meloni. She loves Italy and it’s people and her policies are for defending the interest and sovranty of Italy. There is nothing fascist about that. You from the radical media need to back off and stop spreading false rumors.

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