Elon Musk today at Cannes Lions:

I believe in sort of freedom of choice. Advertisers have a right to appear next to content that they think is compatible to their brand. → I do shoot myself in the foot from time to time but atleast you know it is genuine, not from the PR department. → GFY remark was not to advertisers as a whole. It was with respect to freedom of speech. It is important to have a global free speech platform where people with a wide range of opinions can voice their views. In some cases there were advertisers who were insisting on censorship. → In terms of Brand Safety, every third-party verification tool has given us an A+. → Every human will have a humanoid robot. I think there will be 20 billion humanoid robots. → Companies that will succeed are those that most effectively use AI. AI is an immensely powerful tool, providing better answers than a collection of links and enabling real-time aggregation of collective wisdom. → 𝕏 is the premier destination for marketers and advertisers to reach senior decision-makers and influential individuals who run countries and companies. They aren’t watching TV or making TikToks. → We live in the most interesting time of history. We should not force AI to lie. → I tend to agree with Geoff Hinton – one of the godfathers of AI – and he thinks there’s a 10-20% probability of something terrible happening. The glass is 80% full. Look on the bright side. → There will be a crisis of meaning with AGI and robots.

What is our purpose when we don’t have to work? We are heading to an age of abundance. → If AI can do everything you can do but better, what’s the point of doing things? I think there will be an existential crisis. → I think the most likely outcome is one of abundance, where goods and services are available to anyone.

There’s no shortage for any one of us. It would be a universal hike. Work would be optional.

Author: Admin

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