28 thoughts on “‘Edited to show Biden as senile’: White House defends President following recent gaffes

  1. I know this report is tongue in cheek but the REAL story is carbon dioxide does NOT cause warming………….it FOLLOWS warming.
    We are now in a mini cold period with dangerously low levels of carbon dioxide ………..we need to create MORE carbon emissions, not less…………the "elite" psychopaths are pushing a carbon dioxide lie/death cult which leads to crop failures and famines ……….CO2 is called a "greenhouse gas" for very good reasons (plants grow better as it increases)and water vapour is 80% of the entire greenhouse gases……………next the "elite" will be pushing nil clouds and deserts as "good for the environment".

  2. Are people gullible enough to believe such simple Propaganda edits?
    Apparently, yes. Even Chas has felt compelled to do one of his Planet America "No Malarkeey Zone" explanations on this and this week's other cons v=fNuo6gNlWRg&t=1443s

  3. Joe IS on sedatives! He is unable to control his anger so he is likely on serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The side effects of those kinds of drugs are very evident in his demeanor and lack of physicality. That said, one only needs to examine his eye blink rate to see that he is well into dementia exacerbated by an already damaged brain from aneurysms (he has had two). If he comes out angry at the debate, it is because they likely reduced his meds just for the debate, which I think they did for the SOTU speech as well.

  4. I find it amusing that they are saying a NATO released video is a deep fake or altered video. They should have thought about who was releasing some of these videos before they continue with the typical lies!!!!

  5. The WH would just have to show videos of full context showing these are deep fakes, but we know that is not possible because we have been seeing these examples his entire term. There is not one policy that I can say benefited myself or my family during his admin either. Every claim by KJP is a lie.

  6. What a joke! Just like 2020 "Russian collusion" the Democrats are going for the BIG obvious LIE to claim major press video footage is "deep faked." So laughable. This is the fantasy world of MSNBC.

  7. Dr. Willi Soon totally debunked the 'net zero' LIE in an intervirw with Tucker Carlson.
    The Climate Crisis is a tax break for the old and a personality for the young and NOTHING ELSE.
    Enough with the bllsht Austrailia….

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