44 thoughts on “‘DEFCON 1 moment’: Obama campaign vet on Biden’s debate performance

  1. I trust NOTHING from MSNBC. You can listen and call folks conspiracy theorists yet each and every time the vitriol from MSNBC shows through. WAIT FOR IT: Hey Rachel…how about the TAX RETURNS? oopsie 😉 How about the Russia Collusion stuff….oopsie 😉 How about the infamous Laptop….oopsie 😉 I can go on and on.

  2. Rachel maddow gets paid over a $100000 a day what would you lie about for that kind of money even if you knew the world was coming to a f**** complete and utter halt or devastation

  3. Remember when Biden knowingly lied and blamed another country for his son's laptop? He said it was Russian disinformation . Biden , Anthony Blinken, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NYT, WAPO and the rest of the left wing media and CIA contractors colluded to rig the 2020 election by intentionally and knowingly lying to influence the outcome of the election

  4. David Plouffe is a liar. Defcon 1 is the highest alarm level in the US government. He only serves his master Obama. Here he sounds like a spokesperson for the Trump campaign!

  5. July 21st is a long time to select another Democratic candidate. I'm afraid the Dems may put Michelle Obama just to spite Trump and draw women and African American voters, away from the republicans. The Dems are weighing in on how much damage Michelle can do to Trump. Getting funds to finance Michelle at this stage is crucial. Removing Biden is least of their worries.

  6. A prominent news anchor had the best idea I’ve heard to quell the furore between the Replace-Biden-on-the-ticket and the Keep-Biden-on-the-ticket factions. Hold one or more press conferences where he takes unscripted questions from reporters. It will instantly demonstrate his mental acuity and command over the topics that matter to voters. Not to mention, restore the voters’ flagging confidence in him immediately. My view is that if Biden is asking for my vote, then I as a voter have a right to know this about him. By the same token, if he hides from voters behind his aides, then please stop asking for my vote. Fair request, right?

  7. Oblunder exercising his black privilege. You know Oblunder NEVER went to a public school, but forces your child to go to one. He lives in a $20 million dollar home. How did this fatherless person get this rich as a community organizer, state senator, and $400,000 a year president???? His crimes need to be investigated.

  8. The debate was a 1.5 hr cheap fake according to the white house as the “far right’ intercepted the broadcast signal and faked the whole event. This has been confirmed by misinformation experts….. never question main stream media….. 😂

  9. I like Joe Biden, I’d vote for him again if i thought he had the best chance of beating Trump but he needs to bow out immediately if he’s going to continue on this downward trajectory.

  10. Rachael girl
    After the debate you look very aged haggered. Joe you say that you were feeling sleepy during the debate after the world tour. The 16 fellows who spoon fed you for one whole week, didn't they suggest that you must skip the first debate as you looked sleepy!!! But this girl " the black pearl " KJP SAYS YOU HAD COLD and that is why ……. OMG LIES LIES LIES. But Jilly says that you are great to have answered all the questions!!!!. We in the developing world are shocked.
    Dr.Chellappa MD Staunch supporter of Barack Obama once no more Child protection UNIT Medicolegal services Soweto Johannesberg South Africa 🇿🇦

  11. Typical. 2 seconds talking about Biden’s health, then going off on their “Trump is a liar” rant. Your candidate probably doesn’t even know what day it is without his staff informing him. This goes beyond politics. Biden’s staff is exhausting and abusing him. The man needs to retire and enjoy the rest of his cognitive days.

  12. you are absolutely delusional to think Biden even has a chance at this point. You DemDumbs keep pushing a brain dead narrative. SlowJoe gotta go. Get us a new candidate NOW!!!
    Swing voters are not looking at Biden as an option.
    Why vote to continue abusing a man with dementia?

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