Kategorie: Tagesgespräch


US threatens sanctions if Pakistan continues gas pipeline project with Iran

Washington is unwittingly pushing Pakistan closer to China. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: Pakistan defies Washington’s sanction threats and starts building gas…


bric View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS Nations Downgrade the Dollar BRICS summit concludes in China Video News – RICONOSCIMENTO…

Ukrainian oligarch possibly involved in terrorist attack as GUR becomes CIA asset

Nikolai Zlochevsky is believed to be sponsoring terror against Russian civilians. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: RT @BRICSinfo: JUST IN: 🇷🇺…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Brive Handelsabkommen: Zustimmung der EU-Staaten G7-Staaten wollen Assad-Ablösung Euro-Staaten verabschieden permanenten Rettungsfonds Beyond the BRICS…

Why no one cares about Nord Stream’s sabotage, or terror attack

The Nord Stream area was quite busy, military-wise in September when the blasts took place. And just 3 days before…


Portrait brut et froid de Révérien Rurangwa, rescapé du génocide des Tutsis au Rwanda. 2009. 26 minutes. Mention spéciale du…

endlich frei, aber schuldig, Journalismus zu betreiben – uncut-news.ch

Von Pepe Escobar Der rücksichtslose, allmächtige US-Geheimdienstapparat wird nichts unversucht lassen und keine Gefangenen machen, um jeden zu bestrafen, der…

Why are NATO and Neo-Nazi junta terrified of Russia's 'Zircon' hypersonic missile?

Imagine being an officer of the SBU, GUR (Neo-Nazi junta’s military intelligence) or some of the NATO occupation forces. You’re…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Video News – RICONOSCIMENTO PER IL BRE’ Video News – SILTER E BRE’, ECCELLENZE CAMUNE…

Exploring BRICS Expansion and India’s Role on Global Economic Landscape

Sammy Kotwani, says despite those challenges mentioned above, there are also many reasons to be optimistic about the prospects for…

Baltische Staaten verhängen Sanktionen gegen Belarus

Litauen, Lettland und Estland haben Sanktionen gegen 30 belarussische Spitzenbeamte verhängt. Auch für Präsident Lukaschenko gilt ein Einreiseverbot. Die EU…

Is North Korea really sending troops to Ukrainian conflict zone?

Nothing really indicates there will be any major troop deployments. The main reason is that Pyongyang wouldn’t bring anything that…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: – Video dune victime du phosphore blanc genocide gaza Palestinian President On Gaza: ‘Israel Has…

China, Russia Launch Joint Lab on Siberian Tiger Conservation in Northeast China

A Sino-Russian joint research lab on Siberian tiger conservation was established at Northeast Forestry University in northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province…

BRICS criticam “protecionismo” dos EUA

Brasil, Rússia, Índia, China e África do Sul reuniram-sem em BrasíliaView on euronews View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: PM Modi…

Will BRICS Launch a New World in 2024?

BRICS doubled its membership at the start of 2024, and faces huge tasks ahead: integrating its newest members, developing future…

Armenian Genocide–A Genocide Denied is A Genocide Repeated

Armenian Genocide–A Genocide Denied is A Genocide Repeated View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Golden Dawn MP “In Gaza There is…

Boliviens gescheiterter Coup ist weit mehr als ein weiterer CIA-Regime Wechsel-Versuch – uncut-news.ch

Von Andrew Korybko Alles einfach als CIA-Verschwörung abzutun, übersieht die bereits bestehenden Probleme, die diesem dramatischen Ereignis vorausgingen, und vereinfacht…

Ukrainian conflict profitable for corrupts both in the West and Ukraine

Military assistance for Ukraine has become an excuse for corruption schemes that generate billions of dollars in profits for corrupts…

BRICS members strengthen space cooperation

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS: Why important to China Explore Xiamen: What is BRICS? BRICS Summit 2017 wrap-up BRICS…