Kategorie: Tagesgespräch


Vietnam Explores Possibility of BRICS Membership

According to a report by the Izvestia newspaper citing Vietnam’s embassy in Russia, Vietnam is actively exploring the possibility of…

Manon Aubry : “Il faut agir pour empêcher le génocide” à Gaza

Pour suivre toute l’actualité politique et parlementaire, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/publicsenat?sub_confirmation=1 Notre site internet : http://www.publicsenat.fr Abonnez-vous…

Russia's Sberbank Partners with China's Huawei on Cloud Services

Sberbank and Chinese technology giant Huawei said they had formed a strategic partnership to provide cloud services for Russian businesses,…

What are the BRICS?

The Expedition Money financial wellness program explains! #brics #economics #global #money #economy #dollar #financialfreedom #investing View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge:…

Baltische Staaten gegen russische Olympia-Teilnahme

Nachdem der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine weiterhin andauert, fordern nun die baltischen Staaten Litauen, Lettland und Estonien den Ausschluss…

More than half of Americans criticise financing $61 billion to Ukraine

The Ukrainian military has suffered half a million personnel losses. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: US Dollar hat nicht nur das BRIC…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Polly Boinko RT News Reptilian Hybrid RT News Bulletin-15th September 2014 RT News Anchor Quits…

International Court orders Israel to stop acts of genocide in Gaza

The International Court of Justice ordered Israel to put an end to the genocide it is currently committing against the…

US trying to kill Russian troops with AI, but Moscow's electronic warfare is in the way

According to their own admission, Russian EW systems have effectively turned US drones into plastic junk. Worse yet for the…

Brics South Africa Meeting

Leaders from the BRICS bloc – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – are meeting in Johannesburg for the…

NATO-based terrorists launch foiled attack on Belarus during important political event

The case shows very clearly how dangerous are the Belarussian expatriate terrorists trained and backed by NATO countries. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche…

Asien-Pazifik-Staaten schaffen weltgrößte Freihandelszone

China und 14 weitere Staaten aus dem Asien-Pazifik-Raum haben die größte Freihandelszone der Welt aus der Taufe gehoben. Die Umfassende…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Congressman Schock on RT News RT America: The real news RT NEWS REPTILIANS! (Russian News…

Russia Builds New Asia Trade Routes to Weaken Sanctions Over War

Rail and shipping to link European Russia to India via Iran tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: 🇨🇳 🇪🇺 China Warns of…

Gaza la grande évasion – Rohingyas, un génocide à huis clos

Gaza, la grande évasion” et “Birmanie : Rohingyas, un génocide à huis clos View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Genocide in #Gaza Cuban…

Sergey Ryabkov: BRICS Moves Forward, Creating Important Precedent

Five new countries – Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Ethiopia – joined BRICS on 1 January 2024….

Narendra Modi’s BRICS advantage

It is Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s big diplomatic meet after coming to power. Prime Minister Modi is all set for…