Kategorie: BRICS News


Iran, Russia Finalizing Agreement for Constructing Rasht-Astara Railway

Tehran and Moscow are finalizing the draft of a contract for the implementation of the agreement to construct the Rasht-Astara…

BRICS Voices: Interview with Ambassador Sooklal on South Africa and the BRICS

BRICS Voices: Interview with Ambassador Sooklal on South Africa and the BRICS View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS Voices: Interview…

Mutual Respect Benefit and Harmony Without Unification Are Important Principles of Interstate Relations

Russian-Chinese cooperation in global and regional affairs has accumulated rich experience and has an effective platform such as the Shanghai…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Polly Boinko RT News Reptilian Hybrid RT News Bulletin-15th September 2014 RT News Anchor Quits…

Aliyev says Azerbaijan “cannot sit idly by” while Armenia is armed by France, India and Greece

The South Caucasus is becoming a flashpoint of competing interests. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: Armenia pivoting to West and distancing from…

Cities around the world speak out against Israeli genocide in Gaza

Demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people have been seen in several cities around the world, against the policy of…

Latvia advances Russophobic policies

The Baltic state is about to ban the Russian language from the curriculum of schools. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: Kiev regime…

Fox News Commentator Bre Payton Dies Aged 26

Conservative Commentator Bre Payton, of Federalist and Fox News, Dies Aged 26 View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Video News –…

Is China supposed to fear feeble threats of top-ranking US officials visiting Beijing?

According to their own admission, “the Blinken team is worried that China’s response to pressure over Russia could be to…

Mercosur-Staaten: Umweltforderungen der EU “inakzeptabel”

Die Mercosur-Staaten weisen umweltpolitische Forderungen der EU mit Blick auf das angestrebte Freihandelsabkommen zurück. Die Vision der Europäer sei einseitig…

Russia Invites BRICS Countries to Test Their Equipment at Arctic Exercises in 2025

Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations invited BRICS member countries to test their equipment at the Arctic exercises due in Russia…


mirad este video de 1 rt k izimos en mataro,vale la pena, es korto pero ay muxo nivel! View at…

Vietnam Explores Possibility of BRICS Membership

According to a report by the Izvestia newspaper citing Vietnam’s embassy in Russia, Vietnam is actively exploring the possibility of…

Manon Aubry : “Il faut agir pour empêcher le génocide” à Gaza

Pour suivre toute l’actualité politique et parlementaire, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/user/publicsenat?sub_confirmation=1 Notre site internet : http://www.publicsenat.fr Abonnez-vous…

Russia's Sberbank Partners with China's Huawei on Cloud Services

Sberbank and Chinese technology giant Huawei said they had formed a strategic partnership to provide cloud services for Russian businesses,…

What are the BRICS?

The Expedition Money financial wellness program explains! #brics #economics #global #money #economy #dollar #financialfreedom #investing View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge:…

Baltische Staaten gegen russische Olympia-Teilnahme

Nachdem der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine weiterhin andauert, fordern nun die baltischen Staaten Litauen, Lettland und Estonien den Ausschluss…

More than half of Americans criticise financing $61 billion to Ukraine

The Ukrainian military has suffered half a million personnel losses. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: US Dollar hat nicht nur das BRIC…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Polly Boinko RT News Reptilian Hybrid RT News Bulletin-15th September 2014 RT News Anchor Quits…