Kategorie: BRICS News



Intervention urbaine de RT à Paris. View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Inside RT: 360 video of real-time news broadcast from…

NATO keeps escalating its crawling strategic siege of Russia

Direct NATO involvement in the Neo-Nazi junta’s attacks on Russian strategic assets could force Moscow to start shooting down US…

Top UN court opens hearings in Gaza genocide case against Israel

A top U.N. court opened hearings on Thursday (Jan11) in a case in which South Africa demands an emergency suspension…

Universities in St. Petersburg and Harbin Jointly Launch Courses on Doing Business in China, Russia

Russia’s Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg University (SPbU), China’s School of Management at the Harbin Institute of Technology…

BRICS Nations Downgrade the Dollar

The BRICS nations – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – presented a plan to change the global financial…

BRICS+: Towards a New International Order?

With Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Iran joining the BRICS at the beginning of 2024, the…

Challenges & Opportunities for BRICS growth

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: New Chapter of BRICS: What’s the future of BRICS? BRICS Summit & S. Africa in…

Macron’s risky strategy failed: France’s political future turning right

France faces its first far-right government since 1945. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: Macron’s political bet could backfire with France one step…


RT View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Congressman Schock on RT News RT America: The real news RT NEWS REPTILIANS! (Russian…

Brazil Considers Russia a Strategic Partner – Ambassador

The BRICS countries have steadily been expanding their economic cooperation, according to the South American nation’s envoy Rodrigo de Lima…

Gaza : Israël accusé de « génocide » par l’Afrique du Sud, quelles conséquences ?

L’Afrique du Sud a accusé Israël de se livrer à « des actes de génocide contre le peuple palestinien ». Elle demande…

China, Brazil Seal Deal on Landmark Clean Energy Transmission Project

China and Brazil signed a 30-year franchise agreement on the Brazil northeast ultra-high-voltage direct current (UHVDC) power transmission line project,…

BRICS to Surpass G7 Within 2 3 Years in Terms of Joint GDP | #Politics, #News

Politics: BRICS to Surpass G7 Within 2-3 Years in Terms of Joint GDP 08.06.2015 The joint gross domestic product (GDP)…

Mohammad Ghalibaf – most promising candidate for the post of head of Iran, – expert

Ghalibaf has serious political experience, he is also a successful administrator and adheres to a pragmatic political line. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche…

Continentes – BRICS, el nuevo orden

Como una sólida construcción, los países BRICS, conformados por Brasil, Rusia, LA India, China y Sudáfrica, se levantan en el…

Vietnam Working on BRICS Membership Bid

Four countries recently joined the economic bloc, and the door has been left open for further additions tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge:…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Rt* VIDEO RT FUNDACION COLOMBIA NUEVOS HORIZONTES Colloque RT 30 – RT 25 RT Recap…

Russia Can Help South Africa Tackle Electricity Shortages — Russian Ambassador

Russia can help South Africa solve the problem of electricity shortages, Russian Ambassador to South Africa Ilya Rogachev told TASS…

ICJ orders Israel to take measures to prevent genocide in Gaza

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) this Friday ordered Israel to take urgent measures to prevent genocide in Gaza, where…

David Sacks and Elon Musk slam new US aid: “Ukraine will collapse anyway”

Congress-approved aid for Ukraine will not change the situation on the battlefield. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: EU believes Ukraine may embezzle…