Kategorie: BRICS News


Début du sommet des Brics en Chine

Kim Jong-Un semble prendre plaisir à perturber les rendez-vous diplomatiques de son allié chinois: le dirigeant nord-coréen l’a prouvé dimanche…

Venezuelan President visits Brics bank in Shanghai

The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, paid a visit this Sunday to the headquarters of the New Development Bank (NBD)…


LA GENOCIDE AFRICA aie! aie ! aie !hihi View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: LA GENOCIDE AFRICA LA GENOCIDE AFRICA Génocide…

Impacto Económico: Primera jornada de Cumbre BRICS

None View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Impacto Económico: 9ª Cumbre BRICS Cumbre BRICS inicia el jueves en Brasilia BRICS negocian…

Recognizing Armenian Genocide

Recognizing Armenian Genocide View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Armenian Genocide–A Genocide Denied is A Genocide Repeated Armenian Genocide of Armenians…

Presidente Tebboune: “Il gruppo Brics interessa all’Algeria”

Algeri vorrebbe diventare membro del gruppo delle economie emergenti, del quale fanno parte Russia e Cina View at DailyMotion Ähnliche…

Grupo BRICS anunciará nuevos miembros del bloque

Países BRICS proponen un nuevo sistema económico que permita luchar contra la desigualdad. Cumbre BRICS abordó la necesidad de impulsar…

Stop congo genocide

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: _There is still time to stop the Gaza genocide Nawaz urges world to stop Israel’s…

Top Arab Nations, Including Saudi, Send Millions Of Dollars To Lebanon Amid Israel War Fears

Source link Ähnliche Beiträge: @BRICSinfo: JUST IN: 🇮🇷 🇮🇱 Iran threatens an "obliterating war" if Israel attacks Lebanon. "Should it…

PM Modi raises terrorism at BRICS Summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday addressed the BRICS summit level virtual meeting where he raised the issue of terrorism…

Hurricane Beryl bears down on Jamaica

Source link Ähnliche Beiträge: Deadly Hurricane Beryl takes aim at Jamaica LIVE: Jamaica Braces for Hurricane Beryl as Category 4…

Rwanda Genocide Testimony

Rwanda Genocide Testimony View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Génocidé Génocide Defying genocide Rwanda Genocide Yoga Genocide Rwanda Genocide Rwanda Genocide…

BRICS summit: China warns against ‘protectionism, bullying’

Chinese President Xi Jinping warns against protectionism, champions international trade on second day of BRICS summit. View at DailyMotion Ähnliche…

Should Russia sign any 'ceasefire deals' NATO might offer?

A ceasefire could give NATO a window of opportunity to deploy all the way to the contact line and take…

BRICS firman creación del Banco de Desarrollo

El grupo de los BRICS suscribieron el acuerdo para la creación del Banco de Desarrollo y un Fondo de Contingencias…

GULAGFILMS – White Genocide

Gulag film scenes from my three feature length film about Thought Criminals in the Gulag. View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge:…

Ukrainian insistence on war might seriously irritate Hungary

Viktor Orban showed goodwill by visiting Kiev and presenting a peace proposal, but Ukrainian authorities immediately rejected the Hungarian leader’s…