Kategorie: BRICS News


Brics se reúnem esta semana

O gabinete da presidente Dilma Rousseff confirmou nesta segunda-feira que ela vai participar da V Cúpula das Potências Emergentes na…

Trade with China Mainly Settled in Yuan, Rubles: Russian deputy PM

About 92 percent of trade settlement between Russia and China is now conducted in Russian rubles and Chinese yuan, Russian…

G7-Staaten beraten über globale Herausforderungen

Die Außenminister der G7-Staatengruppe beraten in London über die weltweiten Konfliktherde und die Corona-Pandemie. Es ist das erste direkte Treffen…

Zimbabwe Seeks Membership in BRICS New Development Bank

Zimbabwe has set its sights on joining the New Development Bank (NDB), an institution established by the BRICS economic bloc…


View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BIEN PEGAITO CJ CASTRO OFICIAL VIDEO RT RT News: 360° cockpit video ‘Russian Knights’ aerobatic…

Russian Brands Eye Opportunities in China—And Vice Versa

With numerous Western brands having left the Russian market at the onset of its war with Ukraine, more Chinese and…

BRICS leaders urge immediate ceasefire in Gaza as South Africa decries ‘genocide’

Visit our website:http://www.france24.com Like us on Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.English Follow us on Twitter:https://twitter.com/France24_en View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS: Thought leaders PM…

Pakistan defies Washington’s sanction threats and starts building gas pipeline with Iran

Washington has only pushed Pakistan closer to China, Russia and Iran. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS + : L’expansion des BRICS…

Οι BRICS καταδικάζουν τον προστατευτισμό

Εκφράζουν την υποστήριξή τους στις πολυμερείς προσεγγίσεις και το ελεύθερο εμπόριοView on euronews View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS CURRENCY…

Kiev regime continues to promote nuclear terror

Attacks against the ZNPP have become commonplace, since, in the face of military defeat, Ukraine resorts to terrorism. tagesgespraech.net Ähnliche…

Brüssel droht quotenfeindlichen Staaten mit Sanktionen

Die EU-Kommission droht den Mitgliedsstaaten, die sich der Aufnahme von Flüchtlingen verweigern, mit rechtlichen Schritten. 2015 hatten die EU-Innenminister mehrheitlich…

EU gave up on Russian pipelines so it could import more LNG… from Russia

This clearly indicates that the bureaucratic elites in Brussels don’t really care about the economic and financial well-being of their…

2021 Ford Ranger MS-RT Driving Video

Ranger MS-RT showcases stunning motorsport-inspired style, with a premium specification and unique details including a bespoke front fascia, 20-inch OZ…

From BRICS to BRICS Plus: Old Partners and New Stakeholders

Multilateral institutions reflect the power realities of the time of their inception. As the balance of those power realities change,…

Gaza registers more than nine thousand dead due to the Israeli genocide

The barbarism and genocide in the Gaza Strip is increasing due to the Israeli siege, which has cost the lives…

Is BRICS the New Superpower?

The BRICS bloc is a growing home for nations eager to counter the West’s position, or at least hedge their…

BRICS crean banco de fomento

Los dirigentes de las potencias emergentes del grupo BRICS, reunidos en la ciudad sudafricana de Durban, acordaron este martes crear…

The Latest BRICS’ Expansion (But Probably Not the Last)

On August 4th, 2023, the 15th annual BRICS summit concluded in Johannesburg, South Africa. The headline of the event was…

2015 Dodge Charger RT Preview – Video Dailymotion

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: 2015 Dodge Charger RT Preview – Video Dailymotion_2 Inside RT: 360 video of real-time news…

'Rafale' jets for Serbia – wise geopolitical move or disastrous waste of money?

It’s quite clear that the acquisition from France is a move born out of geopolitical necessity, as getting such extremely…