50 thoughts on “Calls for Biden to resign as latest poll finds he’s ‘too old’ to serve again

  1. He's always lying, and he hates US citizens!!He doesn't care about YOU! He's got a deal with a drug-addicted clown named Helenski!! If the biorobot stops supplying weapons, which by the way shoots only at civilians, then the clown will immediately tell how much money the biorobot stole from American citizens in the form of assistance to Ukraine!!His election cost the citizens of the United States $ 20 billion, more than 5 million corpses voted for the biorobot, who also died in 70-89!! hundreds of thousands of ballots were forged and simply thrown into the election company of this THIEF!!! 😄😄😄😁

  2. I had a stroke 10 yrs ago today at the age of 59 and the biggest deficit I have is short & long term memory! It took a total of 5 years before I felt like myself again. The memory comes and goes, if I'm very tired it is affected greatly. Biden has dementia, or some form of it, it is not a death sentence. He gets confused, that doesn't mean he's not capable of making decisions and doing the job. He's a hell of a lot more capable than Trump was in 2016. If his capabilities are in question, then have a Specialist give him a thorough evaluation and we can go from there!!

  3. Look what he did to. our country look at all these people coming in and now they're stealing from American women's purses and getting their bank accounts 😮😢 information and getting out and draining their bank accounts this is what Joe Biden did to our country😮😢

  4. Stages V, VI of classic dementia. With a full personal staff, supportive media & an ambitious wife, Chairman Biden can go on & on…to WWIII. This is elder abuse & criminal if not treasonous.

  5. The scariest day of Bidens life will be… no microphone. Lying [which he loves so dearly] is worthless when theres no one to hear. So I don't believe polls will sway him – he's going to run again as planned. Only out? A floor fight at the democrat convention which is the preferred option to also scuttle Kamala [indirectly]. Gavin has already measured the drapes, and we shall see what develops. If he has a go at it, its a full/fresh team.

  6. Why do you talk about him and don't get him out he is not cable to run out country but you want to take down he will get American back what Biden did to us you will. Not take him out he will be there till the end you don't want to make him step down you feel sorry for he has lost his memory so poor Trump you hate him for he speaks the truth leave the man alone I pray God lets this man sue all who is trying to take him down


  8. It is absolutely NOT about his age! There are plenty of people his age, and older, that are fully capable of leading normal, productive, lives.

    It is about his mental acutity, and that is severely lacking. He absolutely should not be in the White House. He should be in a care facility that specializes in treating dementia patients.

  9. I might add that some of todays young generation have the similar issue with gaps too such as being served in a high st shop, not so forthcoming with the credit request but a few minutes on they think of a deal such as layby offer

  10. Democrats' secret plan is to replace Joe Biden with Michelle Obama.
    Barack Obama would love that as he is hoping he can extend his current presidency from his THIRD term to his new FOURTH term.

  11. I'm so embarrassed of this president, and the whole administration, I feel like I can't hold my head up. I'm an old woman. Hope before I go, I ll be proud again. I've lost to many loved ones fighting for this country. I deserve better, but more importantly they deserve better.

  12. It's not that he's 'too old', it's that he should NEVER have been a POTUS to begin with due to he's a damn crook and a pathological liar his entire life…Who the hell in their right mind would even want him in his prime anyways.. It's like saying the devil is too old to be POTUS, but if he was 20 years younger, then it's okay, lol

  13. I am not a fan of Biden. There are many older folks at that age that are sharp as a tack. Its not his age that has the best of him. It is cognitive ability. What I dont understand is why he is not tested. If The people really voted him in, why cant the people demand he be tested. Anybody can see this. So really who makes that decision. It can't Be a Democrat doctor republican doctor. Should be one that would be honest about a diagnosis. This is s not a game. Although is treated as such

  14. Bidens age is fine, we don’t need an athlete! He has the brains, morale, and integrity to run this country, the economy is better than dumpy trumpy turn. Trump needs mental health care to take care of his declining ability to control his mouth and panties!

  15. Gencide Joe is done. He can't serve America with his intellectual shortcomings. Indeed he does not even know that he is the backbone of the death of innocent civilians in Gaza.

  16. Joe Biden is a traitor to the USA. He should die in prison for all of the lives he has destroyed! 😡
    His son, Hunter, should face treason charges for seeling us out to China!!

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