BREAKING NEWS: Blinken Reacts To Hamas’s Proposed Changes To Gaza Ceasefire Deal

Secretary of State Antony Blinken holds a joint press briefing with Qatar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammed bin Abdulrahman …


Author: Forbes Breaking News

26 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: Blinken Reacts To Hamas’s Proposed Changes To Gaza Ceasefire Deal

  1. During the 1948 Palestine war, over 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes,  first by Zionist paramilitaries, then after Israel was established, by the IDF, expulsions, dispossession, displacement & massacres, were the chosen way to dehumanise Palestinian society, known as the Nakba. Dozens of massacres targeting Arabs were conducted by Israeli military forces, between 400 and 600 Palestinian towns & villages were destroyed, water wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme, properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning! It's now 2024 but the same immoral destruction & slaughter continues! Independence & Justice for Palestine🇵🇸

  2. 1. The whole world who is good at reading and listening, knows that Hamas and Ji had Islam accepted the ceasefire from the beginning after the UN Security Council (UNSC) approved it and officially since the last 24 hours. But US Secretary of State Antony Blinken repeatedly criticized Hamas, which he said had 'not yet' agreed to a ceasefire compared to Israel which had agreed to it.

    2. Hamas responded to Blinken's statement by stating that America's mouth is never positive and always lies with statements. Although Hamas has repeatedly agreed, but it is said that it has not yet agreed, becoming an obstacle and various negative statements.

    3. While Hamas said, Israel itself has not even issued a statement agreeing to a ceasefire since June 10. Only America has repeatedly stated that Israel has agreed.

    4. Blinken and Biden forget that America is not the master of Israel, but is a country that is colonized by Israel. How as a colony can speak above Big Brother or their colonizers. This is clear through at least two things.

    5. When President Biden announced two weeks ago that Israel had agreed to a ceasefire and was only waiting for Hamas to agree. Less than 24 hours later, Neta responded to the statement by stating that Israel never agreed to a ceasefire. Neta has no respect for America who thinks they are a superpower.

    6. Secondly, the majority of members of parliament in America always keep their mouths shut against any evil actions of Israel because they are bribed by AIPAC, which is an Israeli-American organization that always lobbies them and openly pays them a sum of money to always be a supporter of Israel .

    7. There are even members of the American Congress from the Republicans revealing that they do not need to make any preparations to enter Congress/Parliament because everything is prepared by AIPAC whether it is a proposal or an argument that they need to present. Just enter the hall and vote. No need to think. Take the money and go back to sleep.

    8. Is that the MP level of America as the most advanced and intelligent country in the world? Just being a follower, a follower and a servant of Israel. Embarrassing. Making a fool of the world in the open era.

  3. Yes, my dear brothers, my beloved Palestine is the cradle of Christianity and Judaism, and it contains Al-Aqsa, the third holiest place for us Muslims in Palestine. Bethlehem, the cradle of Christ, is a blessed land, and it is the holy land, and it has been our land for tens of thousands of years, and it is the land of the Canaanite Arabs, the original Palestinian people, and they have lived in it since the Islamic conquest in the era. The Umayyad, Abbasid and Ottoman Arabs, Muslims, Christians and Jews are like brothers and neighbors under Palestinian rule to the owners of the land, but the Zionists came and the British occupation brought them to our land as compensation to the Jews for what they did to them Hitler. The question here is that who did the Holocaust, the Germans, why do I, the Palestinian Arab, pay the price? Why not Germany? Why do I, the Muslim, pay the price for crimes? Committed by the Germans and Nazi Europe, fascism is the root of all evil in the world. Our problem is the occupation🙏🇵🇸☝️💚

  4. While Qatar spell out the Palestinian state and complete end of war plan Blinken did not mention a word on the Palestinian state other than Cease fire/Hostage release?

  5. Blinken travels several times, I wonder what is his heartfelt goal? May be having fun visiting friends. He brings no new information related to Gaza. Keep repeating same statements like a tape recorder. Is he really working for this war?

  6. Hamas has been betrayed so many times already when making agreements involving israel. This time they need to be firm with their conditions. The ceasefire was not been made yet because in this latest agreement Hamas asked that israeli soldiers to retreat from Rafah border crossing and Hamas would not be there either. Hamas wants Rafah border crossing not to be controlled so that medical aid and food can go directly to those in need. If Hamas does not make such conditions, even if a ceasefire manage to be made, israel will monopolize and disrupt humanitarian aid trucks and can still give the israel side an opportunity to torture the Palestinian people. If that still happen, what is the main purpose of the ceasefire anyway??

  7. Mr. Blinken, you have only heard from world leaders. Try asking the general population of any country and they will tell you that Hamas cannot accept any agreement that does not include a permanent ceasefire. Stop blaming Hamas. You know Israel wants their hostages back and then to continue with the war to kill more Palestinians. This is not acceptable to the world at large regardless of what you say.

  8. Только потому что Сопротивление Хамас потребовало включить в сделку гарантии России, Китая, Турции… Именно поэтому сделка застряла… Потомучто Сопротивление Газы не доверяет Америке, Израилю, как гаранта этой сделки!!!!!! Имено Америка учавствовал в недавней резне,в Нусейрат!!!! И потеряла право гаранта, потомучто стала соучастником преступлений и стороной конфликта!!!!

  9. Since October7 Netanyahu's responsible for destroying 75% of Gaza, killing 40,000 innocent men, women and children, leaving 1.9 million displaced homless and starving! and he claims Hamas are the terrorists? Independence for Palestine🇵🇸

  10. As remaked on Mondoweiss the Biden administration is playing a shell game with the Gaza ceasefire that aims to trick the Democratic base into thinking meaningful action is taking place to end fighting while still allowing Israel to continue its genocidal campaign

  11. All you need to know wby Blinken is a loser: He advocated for the 2003 invasion of Iraq while serving as the Democratic staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee from 2002 to 2008. During his tenure in the Obama administration, he helped craft U.S. policy on Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the nuclear program of Iran. Hardly success stories. As commented by Mitchell Plitnick on Mondoweiss, the Biden administration is playing a shell game with the Gaza ceasefire that aims to trick the Democratic base into thinking meaningful action is taking place to end fighting while still allowing Israel to continue its genocidal campaign.

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