Autor: The Daily Show

Armenian Genocide The creation of the word Genocide

Armenian Genocide The creation of the word Genocide View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Gaza, Palestine Demo Manchester, ‘Stop the Occupation…

Banco dos Brics financiará projetos de energia

O banco de desenvolvimento dos Brics terá condições de financiar ações no setor de energia a partir de 2016, segundo…

BRICS summit: more African countries seek partnership

In this week’s business segment, Amelia Martha Nakitimbo reviews the BRICS 2018 summit that was hosted by South Africa. View…

Deep, Down, Dark

Listen to excerpts from Outlook’s India, Trapped issue by Pragya Vats #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Uttarakhand #Uttarkashi #Tunnel #WestBank #Jerusalem View…

Citigroup’s Shafir on European M&A, BRICs

We chat with Citigroup’s Mark Shafir on European M&A at The Deal Economy 2012. View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS…

Natural Allies

Listen to excerpts from Outlook’s India, Trapped issue by Pragya Vats #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Uttarakhand #Uttarkashi #Tunnel #WestBank #Jerusalem View…

L’Algérie rejoindra bientôt la banque des BRICS

Le ministre algérien des Finances, Laaziz Fayed, a révélé que l’adhésion de l’Algérie à la Banque des BRICS était dans…

BRICS Summit: Leaders discuss global economic recovery

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS: Thought leaders BRICS summit: Leaders to sign joint declaration BRICS Summit & S. Africa…

FTS 06-01 18:30: Death toll in Gaza estimated at 22,600 from Israel’s genocide

Death toll in Gaza estimated at 22,600 from Israel’s genocide. // Protesters reject Antony Blinken’s visit to Türkiye. // Japan:…

Kerjasama global: Malaysia mula prosedur sertai BRICS

Malaysia akan memulakan prosedur rasmi untuk menyertai kesatuan ekonomi dipelopori oleh negara Brazil, Rusia, India, China, dan Afrika Selatan atau…

The Origins Of Evil

Listen to excerpts from Outlook’s India, Trapped issue by Pragya Vats #Israel #Gaza #Palestine #Uttarakhand #Uttarkashi #Tunnel #WestBank #Jerusalem View…

Key deals signed ahead of BRICS summit

If the welcoming committee’s anything to go by, this could be an explosive summit. A 21-gun salute greeted Chinese President…

Culmina en Sudáfrica XV Cumbre del BRICS

Con la integración de seis nuevos socios, culmina la XV Cumbre del BRICS en Sudáfrica. PIB de los BRICS supera…

La Cour Internationale de Justice des Nations Unies reconnaît un risque de génocide à Gaza

Cette juridiction a estimé qu’il existait des preuves plausibles qu’Israël commettait des actes de génocide dans la Bande de Gaza….

Narendra Modi’s top agenda at BRICS Summit

Narendra Modi’s top agenda at BRICS Summit View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: BRICS 2023: First in-person BRICS summit since pandemic…

Recibe presidente chino a los países BRICS

En el marco de la XI Cumbre del G20, el mandatario chino Xi Jinping recibió a los presidentes de los…

Giving Importance to Cultural Genocide Amid Human Genocide

Giving Importance to Cultural Genocide Amid Human GenocideWorld Monuments Fund – Walter Reade TheaterOver the past century, cultural destruction has…

BRICS summit defends dialogue for Syria, Iran

The world’s biggest emerging powers on Thursday (29 March) said dialogue was the only answer to the crises in Syria…

Mit offenen Karten – Korea – Zwei Staaten eine Geschichte?

Mit offenen Karten erklärt wie es zur Teilung Koreas kam. View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: Putin – Die EU Staaten…

#OutlookMagazine Anniversary Issue | Like seeds, we will continue

View at DailyMotion Ähnliche Beiträge: #OutlookMagazine Anniversary Issue | The Dream of Peace #OutlookMagazine Anniversary Issue | I am ready…