Autor: FRANCE 24 English

No, Ursula von der Leyen is not ‘the most criminal woman in Europe’ • FRANCE 24 English

A photoshopped cover from Germany’s Stern magazine features Ursula von der Leyen as “the most criminal woman in Europe”. source…

Who is Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s far-right leader ? • FRANCE 24 English

Italy took a sharp turn to the right on Monday, September 26 after Giorgia Meloni’s Eurosceptic far-right party swept to…

Vaccination in Europe: Pfizer/BioNTech to deliver 75 million doses in second quarter

European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said Sunday that #AstraZeneca would finally deliver 40 million doses in total in…

Coronavirus pandemic: EU doubles BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine order to 600 million doses

The #EU has struck a deal to double its supply of the BioNTech/#Pfizer #coronavirus vaccine to 600 million doses, European…